Nuachtlitir mí Meán Fomhair 2015.

Fáilte chroíúil ar ais ar scoil roimh gach éinne idir foireann na scoile, tuismitheoirí agus ar ndóigh, ár bpaistí iontacha. Fáilte ar leith roimh ár 60 naíonáin bheaga nua faoi chúram múinteoirí Jennifer agus Méabh. Arís i mbliana bhí 140 iarratas ar na háiteanna sin agus is moladh iontach é sin d’ár scoil ar gach bhonn. Táimid ag súil le bliain iontach ag comhoibriú le chéile ar mhaithe le barr feabhais foghlama agus múineadh a bheith againn.

A very hearty welcome back to school to all, including all our staff, you as parents and of course our 436 wonderful students. A particular welcome to our 60 new Junior Infants under the care of Múinteoir Jennifer and Méabh. They were the lucky ones from 140 applicants for those places. We look forward to a great year of learning and teaching which will maintain our standards of excellence but also what we hope is our ongoing atmosphere of welcome and good spirits in what we always hope is a great working and learning environment for all. We look forward to your ongoing cooperation with all of this.


Mar is eol díobh, is scoil an-oscailte sinn ó thaobh cumarsáid rialta libh mar thuismitheoirí. Lasmuigh de na cruinnithe tuismitheoirí/múinteoirí a bheidh ar siúl i mí na Samhna ó Rang na Naíonáin Mhóra go Rang a 6 agus i mí Eanair do na Naíonáin Bheaga, bímid ar fáil chun cainte le tuismitheoirí nuair go bhfuil gá. Tá sé an-tábhactach, áfach, go leanaimid ar fad ár bpolasaí cumarsáide sa chás seo. Dár ndóigh, is féidir nóta a sheoladh isteach agus uaireanta sábhálann sin aon gá le cruinniú. Ba chóir coinneadh a lorg tríd na hoifige chun labhairt le Múinteoir nó an Máistir ag am a oireann do thuismitheoirí agus an múinteoir. Nuair go bhfuil an choinneadh á dhéanamh, ba chóir cur síos an-ghairid a thabhairt mar gheall ar cad faoi a bhfuil an chruinniú, ‘fadhb sa chlós’, ‘fadhb le páiste eile sa rang’,’ imní faoi chúrsaí foghlama’ 7rl a thabhairt don rúnaí ionas go bhfuil tuairim éiginn ag an Múinteoir. Níl aon gá scéal iomlán a insint don rúnaí nuair go mbeidh sé á phlé leis an Múinteoir ar aon nós. Nuair go bhfuil cruinniú ar siúl tá sé thar a bheith tábhactach go mbíonn gach éinne ar an dá thaobh béasúil agus gairmiúil ina slí cumarsáide. Ní ghlacfar riamh le hionsaithe pearsanta ó bhéal nó dar ndóigh in aon slí eile. Ná bí ag iarraidh rudaí móra a phlé le múinteoirí ar maidin nó tráthnóna nó ag aon am go bhfuil páistí faoina gcúram acu le bhur dtoil.

As you know, our school is well-known to be a very open one in terms of communicating with you as parents. Outside of our formal parent/teacher meetings, we are also available to meet you at any time if necessary to discuss issues of importance for your child. We do remind you however that it is important for all of us to follow the school’s communication policy. The quickest and easiest way to communicate with your teacher is by sending a note or a quick email to the teacher and this often allows small misunderstandings to be ironed out quickly. If you still feel you need a meeting to iron issues out, it is important that you seek a meeting through the school office with the relevant teacher or with the Máistir if necessary where issues haven’t been concluded with the teacher. This meeting should be at a time that is suitable for both sides. When you are requesting a meeting, please give a very brief outline of the reason for the meeting to the school secretary, for example ‘problem on the yard’, ‘problem with another child’, ‘concern about a learning issue’ etc. There is no need to give a long version of a story which you will have to repeat to the teacher in any case. When meetings are taking place, there is a responsibility on all sides to be respectful and professional in our dealings with each other. Personal attacks of any sort, either verbally or of course in any other fashion are unacceptable at all times. Finally we ask you to avoid ‘door-stepping’ type meetings with staff members. This is particularly the case in the morning or at the end of the school day when the teacher has a class under their care. All of these rules are necessary so that our school can continue to be a place where we value each other’s opinions but where teaching and learning can continue in a professional and caring way.

Bille Scoile

Chun a chur i gcuimhne duit go bhfuil seans agat bille scoile do pháiste amháin a bhuachaint ar ais má tá an bille íoctha agat roimh an 30ú Meán Fomhair. Míle buíochas don iarracht atá déanta go dtí seo.

We’d like to remind you again that you have the chance to get a refund on your child’s bill for school expenses if you have paid in full by Sept 30th. We are very grateful for your cooperation to date. Remember you can pay online by using the ‘Pay Now’ tab on our

Oíche cheiliúradh/30th Anniversary Night

Beidh an oíche deireanach don gceiliúradh 30 Bliain ar siúl in Óstan Chill Chainnigh ar an Satharn an 28ú Samhain. Is seans iontach é seo chun oíche luath na Nollag a bheith agat le do chairde agus comh-tuismitheoirí. Beidh béim chomh maith ar ár niar-scoláirí le seans acu bord a chur san áirithe le chéile. Beidh béile deas trí chúrsa, ceol beo dioscó leis an mbanna cheoil Onassis ( agus dioscó déanach le DJ Agers (Aoghán Courtney). Beidh aoi speisialta againn taréis dinnéar chomh maith. Tá na ticéidí ar fáil ar line anseo.
agus is ar mhaithe le ciste tógála na scoile atá an oíche.

Kick off the Christmas party season with our postponed 30th Anniversary closing night of celebration which will now take place on Saturday 28th November in Hotel Kilkenny. This night, which is generously sponsored by Glanbia will include a drinks reception, a lovely three-course meal and a fun night of dancing to live disco band Onassis, recent performers at Electric Picnic ( and a disco until late with parent DJ Agers (Aoghán Courtney). You can buy your tickets at and we encourage groups of parents, past pupils and others to organise tables. All proceeds go to the school building fund.

Suíomh idirlíne na Scoile

Táimid ag déanamh iarracht mhór ár suíomh idirlíne a bheith chomh lán agus is féidir i mbliana. Beidh na dátaí tábhactacha ar fad á chur suas ar an bhféilire agus beidh leathanaigh ranga uasdhátaithe chomh maith. Chomh maith le sin tá cead ag aon duine nach bhfuil mar mhacléinn sa scoil a bheith cáirdiúil le leathanach Facebook na scoile ar agus sinn a leanúint at Twitter @gaelscoilosrai nó @Rang6GSO.

We are making a big effort this year to add to our school website at In particular the calendar section will be regularly updated with important events and we hope that most of our class pages will have some input on your children’s work. Don’t forget also that all the school’s newletters are on the site. You can also follow the school’s Facebook page on or our Twitter accounts @gaelscoilosrai or @Rang6GSO

Coiste na dTuismitheoirí

Beidh cruinniú bliantúil Coiste na dtuismitheoirí ar siúl sa scoil ar an Luan an 5ú Deireadh Fomhair ag 8.00 pm. Beidh cainteoir speisialta ann ar an oíche ó Chomhairle Náisiúnta na dTuismitheoirí ag cainte faoi do ról in oideachais do phaiste agus i saol na scoile. Bheadh sé iontach dá mbeadh tuismitheoir amháin ann ó gach chlann más féidir. Toghfar an choiste nua an oíche sin agus bheimis buíoch d’ionadaí amhain ar a laghad ó gach rang sa scoil. Toghfar na hoifigí don gcoiste chomh maith ar an oíche. Má tá suim agat a bheith pairteach, seol ephoist go le’d thoil.

The annual meeting of our Parents Association takes place n Monday 5th October at 8.00 pm in our new school foyer. We will have a guest speaker on the night who is Sharon Hayden from the National Parents Council speaking on ‘Your role in your child’s education and in the life of the school.’ We will also have the election (or volunteering!) of class reps and the officers of the association on the night. Please let us know if you’d like to play a role during the year by emailing before the meeting. Given that we have a guest speaker, we would be delighted if at least one parent from each family could attend on the night and we will have teas and coffees and refreshments after the meeting ends.


Cuirimid i gcuimhne díobh go mbíonn gearáintí rialta againn ónár gcomharsain atá ag maireachtaint sa cheanntar. Iarraimid oraibh páirceáil i gcarrchlósanna ALDI, LIDL nó Smithlands Court agus ligean do pháistí siúl an chuid eile den slí ar scoil, gan nó le tuismitheoir. Tagann sé seo le polasaithe scoil ag spreagadh sláinte, scoil ghníomhach agus scoil ghlas. Ná páirceáil riamh ar na cosáin nó ag cur isteach ar radharc iontrala nó fágála na heastáit timpeall orainn. Ní bheidh an chlós ós comhair na scoile in úsáid arís mar ionad páirceála. 

We remind you once again that parking in the vicinity of the school is a source of constant complaints from our neighbours. We ask you to park in the carparks at LIDL, ALDI and Smithlands Court shopping centre and to walk with your child or let them walk from these areas. We also remind you that walking and cycling as far as possible to the school is a central part of our school’s Health Promoting, Active School promoting and of course Green School policies. Most importantly however, none of our parents should ever park illegally on footpaths as this blocks access for a number of disabled people living locally and involved in our school community as well as parents using buggies. It is also vital that access to and clear vision when exiting our neighbouring estates is vital for everybody’s safety. We ask you also to show your children how to safely use the pedestrian crossings around the school. The Board of Management and staff are agreed that the former turning point in the school is necessary for use of our pupils at lunch breaks for play activities and therefore we will not be reopening this system to traffic as it was in the past. We also remind you that only staff parking is now allowed inside the school gates and ask you not to walk through the staff car park at ANY time.

Ranganna Gaeilge

Beidh ranganna Gaeilge do thuismitheoirí ag tosú sa scoil ag Múinteoir Ivan an Luan seo chugainn an 28ú Meán Fomhair ag 7.00 pm. Tá costas €40 ar ocht seachtain ar na ranganna agus is luach iontach airgid é sin.

Múinteoir Ivan will be providing Irish language classes for parents beginning next Monday the 28th September. The price of €40 for eight weeks is great value and registration will be on the night. Leanaigí oraibh ag labhairt Gaeilge le na múinteoirí timpeall na scoile. Please continue with your great efforts to use your Gaeilge around the school. Remember that there is no such thing as ‘Bad Irish’ in our eyes and we won’t be correcting your grammar! Your efforts, however small, have a huge impact on your child’s attitude to the language. Remember also to switch the channel on your radio or TV to Raidio na Gaeltachta or TG4 which helps hugely.

Ranganna Giotáir

Beidh Mark McGrath ag cur ranganna ukulele agus giotáir ar fáil sa scoil i ndiaidh am scoile ar an Déardaoin seo, an 24ú Meán Fomhair ag 3.00 pm. Is féidir áit a chur in áirithe ach glaoch ar Mark ag 085-7132946. Is do pháistí ag leanúint ar aghaidh a bheidh an chéad cúpla seachtain agus beidh ranganna tosaitheoirí ar siúl i ndiaidh briseadh na Samhna.
Mark McGrath begins his guitar and ukulele classes after school again this Thursday at 3.00 pm. Please contact Mark on 085-7132946 for details. The classes for the first few weeks will be for those continuing from last year and beginners classes start after the October break.

Club Osraí

Tá Club Osraí ag rith inár scoil le na blianta fada le cabhair Ógras, an óg-eagraíocht náisiúnta Ghaeilge agus fá choimirce an Chlár um Chríochnú Scoile go bhfuilimid páirteach ann. Tá an club ag athosú an Máirt seo chugainn ag 4.00 pm agus iarraimid oraibh bhúr bpáistí Rang a 5 agus 6 a spreagadh chun Gaeilge a labhairt lasmuigh den scoil.

The school has hosted Club Osraí, our Irish language youth club for fifth and sixth class children for many years. The club is affiliated to Ógras, the national Irish language youth organisation and is provided by the School Completion Programme, which our school benefits from hugely. The club will restart next Tuesday the 29th and we urge you to encourage your child to attend as a great way of experiencing Gaeilge as a living language outside of school hours.

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