Táimid chun triail a bhaint as slí nua chun nuacht na scoile a thabhairt duit. In áit Nuachtlitir mór fada L a sheoladh gach mí, táimid chun bunrán níos giorra a chur chugat níos rialta anois. Chomh maith le sin, beimid ag baint i bhfad níos mó úsáide i mbliana as suíomh idirlíon na scoile ag www.osrai.com chun nuacht a sheoladh. Tabhair dúinn do bharúil ar seo le’d thoil.
We are going to try a new way of sending you school news. Instead of the monthly and slightly too long L newsletters until now, we will send you more regular and shorter news bulletins. Let us know what you think of this approach. We also hope to make a lot more use of the news and calendar sections of our school website www.osrai.com and in the near future to start posting news to your child’s class page as well.
Féilire na Scoile go luath/Dates coming up for you Diary
Máirt an 17ú: Cluiche dubhshláine peile i gcoinne Coláiste Pobail Osraí. Bóthar Nuncio 2.30 pm. Challenge football match v. Coláiste Pobail Osraí, Nuncio Road 2.30 pm.
Máirt an 17ú: Turas go Tigh an Árdhéara i mBaile Átha Cliath. Fágaint na scoile ag 2.50 pm. Special trip to Mansion House, Dublin for group of senior pupils. Leaving school at 2.50 pm.
Céadaoin an 18ú: Peil na gCailíní i gcoinne Scoil Bhaile Mhic Andáin. Fágaint ag 3.00 pm. Cluiche ag 3.30 pm. Girls football match v. Thomastown N.S.. Leaving school at 3.00 pm and game at 3.30 pm.
Aoine an 20ú: Grúpa Cheoil traidisiúnta na Scoile. Am lóin Mhóir. First practice for school Traditional Music Group. All children from Rang a 2 welcome at lunch time in halla.
Aoine an 20ú: Deireadh le lá ghairid na Naíonáin Bheaga. End of short day for Junior Infants.
Luan an 23ú. Naíonáin bheaga ag críochnú ag 1.50 pm. Junior Infants finish at 1.50 pm.
Máirt an 24ú: Tús le ranganna Ghaeilge do dhaoine fásta. 7.00 pm sa scoil. Start of adult Irish language classes in school at 7 pm.
11ú Deireadh Fomhair-11ú Samhain: MS Readathon chun léitheroireacht a spreagadh. Our annual readathon to encourage children to read and to raise funds for MS Research.
Ranganna Gaeilge duitse/Get your Gaeilge going again
Tá áthas orainn go bhfuil Múinteoir Ivan sásta ranganna Ghaeilge do dhaoine fásta a reachtáil taréis am scoile. Tosóidh siad ar an Máirt an 24ú Meán Fomhair ag 7.00 pm le oíche eolais agus clárúcháin.
We are delighted that Múinteoir Ivan is happy to take adult Gaeilge classes to help you get your Gaeilge back up to speed in the evenings. The weekly classes will start on Tuesday the 24th September at 7.00 pm with information and registration.
Turas go dtí tigh an ÁrdMhéara/Trip to Mansion House for Amnesty
Tá ochtar páiste agus cupla múinteoir ag taisteal ar thuras speisialta an Máirt seo chugainn go Tigh an Árdmhéara i mBaile Átha Cliath chun bualadh le agus éisteacht le bean óg fíor speisialta. Beidh Malala Yousafzai ó Phacastáin ag caint faoin slí gur chaitheadh léi toisc go raibh sí ag iarraidh dul ar scoil. Is de bharr gur bhailíomar níos mó airgid ná aon scoil eile sa tír do Amnesty International mar chuid den Seachtain Chairdis a bhí acu go bhfuilimid ag taisteal. Táimid an bhuíoch do Mhúinteoir Tanya a d’eagraigh na himeachtaí seo dúinn.
Eight of our children and a number of teachers will travel to the mansion House in Dublin next Tuesday to meet and hear Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani woman who was shot and tortured for wanting to go to school, speak. We have been invited by Amnesty international because we raised more money for them than any other school earlier this year during our Friendship Week. Thanks to Múinteoir Tanya for her great work on this initiative and to all our students and you, as parents, for contributing so generously.
Naíonáin Nua/Junior Infants
Beidh ár naíonáin nua ag críochnú ag 12.00 meánlae gach lá go dtí asn Aoine seo chugainn an 20ú. Ón Luan an23ú ar aghaidh, críochnóidh an lae scoile dóibh ag 1.50 pm. Idir an dá linn, bheadh sé deas go mbeadh na páistí ag seasamh ina líne leo féin J Ba mhaith linn a chur in iúil díobh chomh maith nach bhfuil bréagáin pearsanta nó greamaitheoirí ceadaithe sa rang toisc go gcothaíonn siad fadhbanna idir na páistí.
Our Junior Infants will finish their school day at 12.00 pm until next Friday and then will finish their school day at 1.50 pm for the rest of the school year. In the mantime it would be great if children learn to stand in their class line in the morning on their ownJ We would also remind you that personal toys and stickers are discouraged as they tend to lead to rows in the classroom.
Bréagáin ag teastáil/Good toys and games welcome
Tá ár múinteoirí naíonáin ag cur clár nua foghlama Aistear do phaistí óga i bhfeidhm arís i mbliana. Is féidir eolas ar Aistear a léamh anseo http://www.ncca.biz/Aistear/. Mar chuid den obair seo a leagann an-bhéim ar shugradh, tá bréagáin maithe nach bhfuil in úsáid sa bhaile ag teastáil uainne anseo sa scoil. Cuir bréagáin agus cluichí móra, glana agus nach bhfuil briste chugainn tríd an oifig le’d thoil.
Our teachers at infant level are teaching the Aistear curriclum which you can find about here at http://www.ncca.biz/Aistear/. As part of this work we would love to get toys and games which are in good condition and which you no longer use please. You can send them into the office.
Grúpa Cheoil Traidisiúnta na Scoile/ School Traditional music group
Tá Múinteoir Fiona sásta grúpa cheoil traidisiúnta a thógaint arís i mbliana agus táimid ag súil le grúpa maith páistí ó Rang a trí ar aghaidh. Beidh an chleachtadh ar siúl an Aoine seo chugainn ag am loin mhóir san halla. Chomh maith le sin, táimid ag lorg brontannaisí nó iasacht do na huirlisí seo cheoil a leanas-bosca cheoil, fidil, consairtín, feadóg mhór, banjo nó mandailín chun banc uirlis scoile a thosú.
Múinteoir Fiona will take our school traditional music group again this year with practice starting next Friday at lunch time. All pupils from Rang a 3 upwards are welcome with traditional instruments. We are also seeking donations or loans of traditional instruments including accordions, fiddles, concertinas, flutes, banjos or mandolins in order to begin a school instrument bank for those who would like to try them out.
Health Promoting School. Scoil ag Spreagadh Sláinte.
Ba mhian le Gaelscoil Osraí forbairt mar Scoil ag Spreagadh Sláinte, ag obair leis an Aonad um Chur chun Cinn na Sláinte. Cuireadh coiste le chéile le déanaí, ar a bhfuil páistí ó Ranganna 4, 5 agus 6, múinteoirí, cuntóir agus tuismitheoirí. Is í Múinteoir Tanya atá mar chomhordaitheoir ar an tionscadal seo.
Is é an aidhm atá ag Scoil ag Spreagadh Sláinte ná timpeallacht a chruthú ina dtagann gach ball de phobal na scoile le chéile chun sláinte agus folláine a fhorbairt. Déantar imscrúdú ar shláinte iomlán; fisiciuil, meabhrach, mothúchánach, sóisialta, spioradálta agus sochaíoch.
Sa téarma seo, dírófar isteach ar an tionscadal seo le pobal uilig na scoile. Cuirfear fáilte roimh thuairimí a bhaineann leis an ábhar seo. Beimid ag iarraidh oraibh, mar thuismitheoirí, ceistneoirí a líonadh isteach, mar chuid den phróiséas. Díreoidh obair an choiste amach anseo ar na tosaíochtaí a aimseofar sa tréimhse seo.
Le bhur gcomhoibriú, táimid ag tnúth le forbairt mar Scoil ag Spreagadh Sláinte. Míle buíochas.
Gaelscoil Osraí has recently signed up to develop as a Health Promoting School with the Health Promotion Department, HSE South. This initiative is being coordinated by Múinteoir Tanya.
A health promoting school seeks to create an environment where all members of the school community (parents, pupils, staff caregivers) come together in a coordinated way to promote health and well being. Developing as a health promoting school involves consultations, action planning and implementaion of priority health issues. Health is considered in its broadest sense including physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and societal.
To date a Working Group has been established (comprising of a health promoting school coordinator, pupil representatives from Ranganna 4, 5 and 6, teachers, support staff and parents).
Over the next few weeks, awareness raising will begin with all members of the school community and opportunities will be given for exploring and discussing health issues with the children, parents, teachers and support staff.
A consultation process will follow, where every member of the school community (pupils, teachers, support staff and parents) will be encouraged to contribute their ideas and perspective on health matters. For parents, it will take the form of a questionnaire.
A number of priorities for health will be identified based on the consultation feedback. These priorities will set the agenda- and inform the activities – aiming to promote health for all over the next 12- 24 months.
In advance, we appreciate your support- in talking about health with your children, in taking the time to fill in the questionnaire and in supporting the promotion of health and happiness for all in Gaelscoil Osraí.
Holistic health
Health can mean many things to us, for some it is a positve sense of well being, an ability to cope or perform, for others it is an absence of disease or injury. What ever your understanding of health is, it is an individual view. In health promotion, health is viewed in its broadest sense and is seen as a resource for everyday living. It is considered in many forms mainly, physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and societal. In brief:
Physical health refers to how well your body can work efficiently including physical activity, healthy eating, adopting health enhancing behaviours,
Mental health is your ability to think clearly, your ability to make decisions, your resilence
Emotional health is around recognising and being able to express emotions in a way that is supportive to your health. It also refers to your ability to cope with normal stressors
Social health is being able to relate healthily with others including family, friends, work colleagues
Spiritual health reflects a connection between individuals and the world, and for some may involve religious practices, for others its an appreciation of nature and achieving serenity and creativity
Societal health is around belonging, my contribution to society, it involves promoting healthy and caring communities and neighbourhoods.