Tá an scéal seo ar leathanach na dTuismitheoirí. Check out news and updates for parents on our Parent’s page.

Bí Páirteach/Join in the work!

Míle buíochas do gach éinne a d’fhreastal ar chruinniú na dtuismitheoiri ar an Luan. Bhí breis is daichead tuismitheoir i láthair agus bhí caint an-spreagúil againn ó Sharon Hayden ó Chomhairle Náisiúnta na dTuismitheoirí. Bhí na-chuid smaointe faoi obair an choiste i mbliana. Tá roinnt agaibh taréis ofráil cheana féin chun a bheith páirteach in obair an choiste. Más maith leat a bheith mar ionadaí ranga, cur ephoist g’ Eimear Lee, ár gcathaoirleach, ag tuisti@osrai.com

Thanks a lot to everybody who attended our parents information meeting on Monday night. Over forty parents attended and heard a very iinteresting presentation on the role of the PA from Sharon Hayden of the National Parents Council. Some great ideas were presented on the activities that could be undertaken this year. Some of you have already volunteered to get involved in the association’s work but you can email our Chairperson Eimear at tuisti@osrai.com to offer your services as a class rep or in any other way you think you can help out.

Do thuairim ag teastáil/Your opinion needed on new subject!

Tá an NCCA ag lorg do thuairim ar mholadh nua don gcaraclam. Léigh faoi anseo agus seol do thuairimí ar aghaidh.

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment is looking for your views on a new ‘Religions, Beliefs and Ethics’ section of the curriculum. Please visit the site here and let them know what you think.  You can also read about it in today’s Irish Times.

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