Nuachtlitir Ghaelscoil Osraí

Eagrán Deireadh Fomhair 2011

Toghcháin na dTuismitheoirí/Parents Election
Tá tréimhse ár mBord Bainistíochta iontach sa scoil ag druidim chun deiridh agus táimid fíor-bhuíoch don seachtar a shuigh ar an mbord agus a chabhraigh go mór le riarachán agus forbairt na scoile.
Táimid ag tosú anois ar an mbord nua a thoghadh agus tá gá le toghchán chun an bheirt tuismitheoir ar an mbord a chinntiú. Tá na rialacha agus an t-eolas faoin bpróiséas seo ar fáil anseo nó tá cóip crua ar fáil san oifig.
Taréis teangmhail idir an Chathaoirleach agus Coiste na dTuismitheoirí, toghfar máthair amháin agus athair amháin don mbord ag cruinniú Coiste na dTuismitheoirí ar an Máirt an 8ú Samhain ag 8.15 pm. Caithfear ainmniúchán don duine a bhfuil suim acu a bheith faighte ag an Máistir roimh 3.00 ar luan an 7ú Samhain.
We are now coming to the end of a very fruitful period for our Board of Management who have played a very constructive role in the growth and development of our school. We are extremely grateful to all of the members for their huge voluntary effort on all of our behalves. We must now commence the process of electing a new board for the next four years, beginning on Dec. 1st of this year.
All of the details regarding the new board and the election process are available here or a hard copy is available on request from the school office.
Following discussions between the Chairperson of the board and our Parents Association, we are now beginning the process for the election of two parent’s nominees. One father and one mother of children attending the school must be elected by you as parents. It has been decided that this election will take place at a special meeting open to all parents on Tuesday night, the 8th. of November at 8.15pm. Nominations for the positions must be received by the Principal by 3.00 pm on Monday 7th of November.
Cumarsáid sa Scoil/Communicating with the school
Táimid ag iarraidh arís oraibh mar thuismitheoirí rialacha na scoile a leanúint ó thaobh teangmhail leis an scoil. Iarrtar ort na nósanna seo a leanúint le’d thoil. Is ar mhaithe le foghlaim na bpáistí gan chur isteach atá sé seo ar fad agus chun deiseanna a thabhairt díbhse mar thuismitheoirí agus dúinne mar mhúinteoirí chun plé ceart a bheith faoi rudaí tábhactacha.
1.       Má tá aon rud le plé leis an scoil, ba chóir é a phlé leis an múinteoir ranga ar dtús. Déan coinneadh tríd an oifig chun é sin a bheith déanta i gceart.
2.       Má tá tú ag iarraidh rud a phlé leis an máistir, déan coinneadh chomh maith. Ní ghlacfar le cruinnithe gan choinneadh ach ar bhonn fíor-éigeandála.
3.       Seachain rudaí atá dáiríre a phlé ar an gclós agus ná téigh chuig seomraí na múinteoirí chun plé a dhéanamh gan dul tríd na hoifige.
4.       Má tá fadhb idir paistí, is trí teamngmháil tríd na scoiloe is fearr é a shocrú agus moltar inár gcód smachta gan dul díreach go dtí tuismitheoirí an pháiste riamh.
We are once again asking you to follow our school guidelines when contacting teachers about things that concern your own child or the school in general. While we are really anxious to hear from you and to avoid problems that may occur, it is better to follow these guidelines so that meetings between you and the school are as good as they can be. It also avoids unnecessary interruptions to class learning time.
1.       If you have anything to discuss regarding your child, the class teacher is always the first place to start. Please contact the office to make a suitable appointment.
2.       If you want to discuss an issue with the principal, please again arrange a meeting through the office.
3.       Please avoid discussing serious matters with teachers on the yard and do not go directly to teacher’s classrooms to discuss significant issues without making an appointment through the office.
4.       Inkeeping with our school code of behaviour, please avoid raising difficulties which arise between children with the other parents involved. The class teacher or principal will do this if necessary.
The code of behaviour is available in the Policies section of
Ta nóta faighte agat ónár gcoiste sábhála ag iarraidh ort conas an córas tráchta agus páirceála a úsáid i gceart laistigh don scoil agus timpeall air. Bí cinnte go leanfaimid na rialacha atá ann, ach go háirithe, tabhair aire do na rudaí seo:
1.       Ná páirceáil in áiteanna na múinteoirí ar an dtaobh chlé nó díreach ar dheis don gheata.
2.       Ná páirceáil dúbalta in aon áit.
3.       Ná siúl trí carr-chlós na muinteoirí riamh le’d thoil.
4.       Párceáil comhthreomhar sa spás ‘ligint amach’ i gcónaí.
5.       Baineann na rialacha céanna le deireadh an lae scoile agus an mhaidin.
Cuirfear i gcuimhne duit go n-osclaíonn an scoil ag 8.50 am do pháistí. Níl féitheoireacht ar fail do pháistí roimh an am sin. Bí cinnte do pháistí a bhailiú in am taréis scoile agus imeachtaí scoile chomh maith. Iarraimid ort carr-chlós LIDL nó Supervalu a úsáid le’d thoil agus siúl le do phaiste óna h-áiteanna sin go dtí an scoil nó siúl nó rothaigh leo ón mbaile. Cuir ceist ar an oifig mar gheall ar bhusanna scoile chomh maith.
All parents have already received a detailed note from our safety committee regarding the traffic and parking system in and around our school grounds. We would particularly ask you to co-operate with the following:
1.       Please don’t park in or in front of the designated staff parking places to the left and immediate right of the entrance gates.
2.       Please do not double park anywhere.
3.       Please don’t walk through the staff car-park at any time.
4.       Please only park parallel to the footpath in the drop-off area.
5.       The exact same rules are to be observed at the end of the school day as in the morning.
We remind you also that the gates open for pupils at 8.50 am and that supervision outside the gates is not provided before that time. We also ask you to collect your children on time after school or school activities end. We also ask you to use the LIDL and Super-Valu car-parks and to walk with your child from there to school or better again to walk or cycle with them from home. You will also get school bus details from the office and we encourage all these forms of transport as part of our Green Schools Initiative.
Sábháltacht Oíche Shamhna/Hallowe’en Safety
Cuirimíd i gcuimhne duit go bhfuil sábháltacht ag teacht suas go oiche shamhna an-tábhactach ar fad. Ta sé i gceist ag an scoil caint a reachtáil dona paistí ar seo go luath. Iarraimíd ort mar thuismitheoir na teachtaireachtaí sin a threisiú sa bhaile, go mór mór i dtaobh tinte ealaíne mídhleathacha.
We remind you of the need for special care for children’s safety at this time of the year in the run in to Hallowe’en. We are organising a talk on Hallowe’en safety for children and we would ask you to support the message at home, particularly in regard to illegal fireworks and their dangers.
Club Obair Bhaile
Tá an chlub obair bhaile á chur ar fáil againn arís i mbliana.. Bíonn sé ar siul ó Luan go Déardaoin gach seachtain óna 2.50 go dtí 3.50 pm, do pháistí ó Rang a Dó ar aghaidh. Is múinteoirí na scoile a eagraíonn an chlub seo agus íocann tú €10 in aghaidh na seachtaine dóibh le tabhairt suas gach Luan. Tá seans ag páistí go bhfuil deacrachtaí airgid acu frestal ar an gclub chomh maith le cabhair an Chlár um Chríochnú Scoile. Labhair le do mhuinteoir ranga nó leis an Máistir faoi seo le’d thoil.
Our homework club continues again this year. This club is a great opportunity for those who wish to have homework completed in a supervised atmosphere. The club is run by teachers in the school from Monday until Thursday for children from 2nd class upwards. (The charge is €10 per child to be paid each Monday please). Through the School Completion Programme we also have spaces available free of charge for those experiencing financial difficulties. Please speak to your class teacher or the Máistir in confidence if you would like to avail of this service.
Athruithe Múinteoirí/Teacher Changes
Bhí orainn roinnt athruithe a dhéanamh ar mhúinteoirí le cúpla seachtain anuas. Bhí múinteoirí na bliana socruithe againn i mí Lúnasa ach d’eirigh le Muinteoir Aisling post buan a fhail i scoile eile. Tréaslaímid lei agus guímid gach rath uirthi i nGaelscoil Eoghain Uí Thuairisc i gCeatharlach. Toisc sin, tá Múinteoir Sylvia ceapaithe don bhlian le Rang a Cúig agus tá Muinteoir Deirdre de Paor ag obair in áit Múinteoir Maria D. le rang a haon. Tá Múinteoir Nicola ag obair in áit Múinteoir Máire Ruth le Rang a Trí.
We had to make a number of changes to class teachers in mid September. Although all our arrangements had been made in August, Muinteoir Aisling who had been appointed to a temporary job in our school was lucky enough to secure a permanent position in Gaelscoil Eoghain Uí Thuairisc in Carlow. They have got a gem of a teacher and we wish Aisling the very best in her future teaching career.
As a result Múinteoir Sylvia was appointed in a temporary capacity for the year and has now moved to Rang a Cúig, with Múinteoir Deirdre de Paor moving to Rang a hAon in place of Muinteoir Maria D and Muinteoir Nicola being appointed to Rang a Trí in place of Múinteoir Máire Ruth. While we do our best to avoid unnecessary changes in staff, they do occur form time to time but please bear in mind that changes in teachers can often bring wonderful benefits and some of the best experiences your child may have in school come at these times. We thank you for your understanding and patience in these circumstances.
Pósadh /Wedding bells
Comhgáirdeachas mhór do Mhúinteoir Deirdre de Paor agus a fiancé Ken Bartley a bheidh ag pósadh an Déardaoin seo. Saol fada sona acu beirt le chéile.
We all send our congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life together to Múinteoir Deirdre de Paor and her fiancé Ken Bartley who will be married next Thursday.
Eveline ag cabhrú/The Helping Hand
Bíonn cara ar leith againn anois is arís agus tá cara den scoth ag Gaelscoil Osraí gan aon dabht in Eveline Hennessy. Bhí si ag obair inár scoilne le roinnt blianta anuas faoin Chlár um Chríochnú Scoile ach toisc gearrachaisí siara sa chlár sin, tháinig deireadh leis an inchur iontach mata agus Gaeilge a raibh sí ag tabhairt dúinn.
In ainneoin sin, tá Eveline taréis a rá linn go bhfuil sí sásta leanúint ar aghaidh leis an obair seo saor in aisce ar mhaithe na bpáistí. Is ofráil fíor-flaithiúlach é seo agus táimid araon fíor-bhuíoch d’Eveline.
Occasionally a school has a very generous friend and we are very lucky to have just such a person. You all know that Eveline Hennessy has done trojan work for us here in the school, as part of the School Completion Programme in recent years. Because of cutbacks in that scheme however, the work came to an end.
In true fashion however, Eveline has agreed to continue with the work she was doing on a totally voluntary and unpaid basis and we are hugely grateful for this hugely generous input into the life of our school and the learning of some of our children.
Turas Sacair/Soccer Trip
Bhí an t-ádh linn ofráil iontach a fháil ó Chumann Sacair na hÉireann an tseachtain seo chaite chun taisteal chuig cluiche idirnáisiúnta idir Éire agus Armenia. Bhain an 40 paiste ó R 5 agus 6 an-taitneamh ar fad as oíche iontach sa Stáid Aviva agus cheap an Máistir go raibh sé ceart go leor chomh maith! Míle buíochas do Mhúinteoirí Nioclás agus Brian don gcabhair agus dona tuismitheoirí a thaisteal linn chomh maith.
We were delighted to get a great chance to bring a group of forty children from Rang a 5 and 6 to the Aviva Stadium in Dublin on Tuesday night to see Ireland’s crucial game against Armenia. The children had a great night and the Máistir enjoyed it a little bit too! Thanks a million to Múinteoirí Brian and Nioclás for their help and to the parents who accompanied us on the night. 
Dátaí Dúnadh na Scoile. Beidh an Ghaelscoil dúnta ar na dátaí seo.
Gaelscoil Osraí will be closed on the following dates.

31/10/11 => 4/11/11 inclusive Lár Téarma / Mid Term
23/12/11 => 9/01/12 inc. Saoire Nollag / Christmas Holidays
13/02/12 => 17/02/12 inc. Lár Téarma / Mid Term *
19/03/12 => Lá saoire bainc le Pádraig/ St. Patrick’s Day
2/04/12 =>13/04/12 inc. Cáisc / Easter *
07/05/12 =>Lá Saoire Bainc / Bank Holiday
04/06/12 => Lá Saoire Bainc / Bank Holiday
30/06/12 => An Scoil ag dúnadh do Shaoire an tSamhraidh / School closes for Summer break.
* NB : Toisc treoraithe na roinne tá an baol ann go ngiorrófáí na bristí lár-théama an Earraigh agus briseadh na Cásca go dtí dhá lá agus seachtain go leith. Toisc sin molaimid go láidir do dhaoine gan laethanta saoire do na tréimhsí níos faide a chur san áireamh ar eagla na dromh-aimsire arís.
Please note very importantly that by instruction of the Department of Education, both the Spring mid-term break and the Easter holidays may be shortened to two days and a week and a half respectively so we advise strongly that holidays should not be booked for the longer periods to make provision for a repeat of bad winter weather.
Bille Scoile 20111/2012
Tá áthas an domhain orainn gur féidir linn arís laghdú a dhéanamh ar an mbille scoile. Ta gach bille pásite faoi bhun €100 anois don gcéad uair le blianta fada. Tá laghdú €5 ar méid an Scéim Cíosach leabhar agus laghdú ar phraghas na spoirt breise atá ar fáil mar chuid d‘ár gcuraclam chorpoideachais. Táimid an-bhuioch do Mhuinteoir Michelle as ucht múinteoirí ealaíona comhraic, gleacaíocht agus rinnce hip-hop a eagrú i mbliana ar phraghas níos saoire ná an ghleacaíocht a bhí againn anuraidh. Ímpímid oraibh gach iarracht a dhéanamh an bille a íoc chomh tapaidh agus is féidir. Tá foirmeacha d’Órd Seasta nó dírdhochair ar fáil ón oifig má n-oireann sé sin duit, agus glacfaidh an oifig le híocaíochtaí i pé slí a oireann duit. Ta €5 eile bainte den mbille toisc an laghdú ar chostas fótochóipeála ag eirí as na nótaí, nuachtlitreacha 7rl. A bheith á chur aginn ar ephoist cosúil leis an nuachtlitir seo.
Tá áthas orainn chomh maith go mbeidh Lisa de Buitléir ag múineadh an fheadóg stáin do ranganna 4 agus 5 go dtí na Nollag agus do Rang 1 agus 3 idir na Nollag agus Lá le Pádraig. Tá ocht seachtain ranganna á fáil acu ar €10 an duine, agus iarraimid ort a chinntiu go bhfuil feadóg stáin ‘Generation D’ acu ar fad, atá ar fáil ó shiopaí cheoil Essaness agus Broderick’s.
We are delighted to be able to reduce the school bill once again this year. The school bill for every child has now been reduced to less than €100 for the first time in many years. There is a reduction of €5 in the cost of the school book rental scheme and a reduction also in the cost of extra sports tuition which takes place as part of our PE curriculum. Thanks a million to Múinteoir Michelle for putting together a very varied programme for this year of martial arts, hip-hop dance and gymnastics at a price lower than last year. The children are getting huge fun and value from these expert teachers who are also making a great effort to teach ‘as gaeilge’. We have also been able to take €5 off the cost of photocopying as a result of using email and text messaging for communication with you as parents.
We are also delighted to be able to offer a fabulous tin whistle teacher to children in Rang a 5 and 6 from now until Christmas and to Rang 1 and 3 from Christmas until St. Patrick’s Day. These classes will take place in class on Wednesdays and we ask you to ensure your children have a ‘Generation D’ tin whistle, which are available locally from Essaness and Broderick’s music shops. The charge for these classes is just €10 for eight weeks.
An Bille Duitse/Your School Bill this year                                              

Naíonáin Bheaga
Naíonáin Mhóra
Rang 1                                      
Rang 2                                      
Rang 3                                     
Rang 4
Rang 5                                     
Rang 6                                     

*Seo an bille má tá tú ag úsáid an scéim chíosach leabhair. Muna bhfuil Mata Beo ar cíos agat bain €5.This is the school bill for those availing of the school’s book rental scheme from Rang a Trí to Rang a Sé. If Mata Beo is not on rental take off €5.

Na hAmharcealaíona / Eolaíocht / Visual Arts / Science /Arts and Crafts Materials
Fotachóipeáil / Photocopying
Tástálacha / Tests / Tuairiscí / Reports / Árachas / Insurance
Gleacaíocht, Rinnce Hip-hop agus Ealaíona Comhraic/ Gymnastics, Hip-hop danceing and martial Arts

Naíonáin mhóra go Rang a Dó

Rang 3 go Rang 6                                             



Snámh / Swimming  Rang 1 go dtí Rang 6
Feadóg Stáin/Tin whistle classes Rang 1,3, 5 agus 6
Scéim Chíosach Leabhair/ Book Rental Scheme

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