Fáilte ar ais ar scoil don bhliain nua do gach éinne agus táimid ag súil le an-bhliain a bheith againn arís. Tá téarma an-mhaith taréis a bheith againn, go mór mór ag na naíonáin bheaga atá ag socrú isteach go deas. Mar chabhair amháin chun cur le neamhspleáchas na bpáisti, ba bhreá linn dá bhfágfaí iad chun dul isteach ina línte ar maidin. B’fhéidir go bhféadfadh libh mar thuismitheoirí iad a fhágaint ós comhair na scoile agus iad a spreagadh chun leanúint ar aghaidh don line. Baineann sé sin le gach rang dár ndóigh.
Chomh maith le sin, taimid ag díriú isteach ar dhéanacht i mbliana. Má chailleann páiste cúig nóimead gach maidin, is ionann sin agus dhá la go leith scoil sa scoil-bhlian. Chomh maith le sin, cuireann sé isteach ar obair an mhúinteora agus foghlaim na bpáistí eile sa rang. Iarraimid oraibh a chinntiú go bhfuil na páistí ina línte roimh 9.10 ar maidin.
We welcome everybody back to school for the New Year and look forward to another busy term and year of learning and activity in our school. We are particularly happy with the way our Junior Infants have settled in since September. As usual at this time of the year, we remind you of the importance of developing your children’s independence. One easy way of doing this is to encourage the children to make their way into the yard and their lines in the morning. Perhaps leaving them at the school entrance would be a good way to start. This is particularly true of older children who should develop that habit.
Another issue which we are focussing on this year is lateness. If a child misses just five minutes every day because they are late, this adds up to two and a half full school days in the year. It is also very disruptive to the work of the class teacher and to the learning of all the other children in their class. We also ask you not to proceed through the main entrance if you are late but to go around to the main entrances for the children at the other end of the school.
Clárúcháin don scoil-bhlian nua/Registration for next school year
Bí cinnte go bhfuil gach páiste atá ag lorg áit inár scoilne cláraithe linn láithreach do Mheán Fomhair 2013. Beidh na háiteanna á dháileadh again roimh deireadh mí Feabhra agus ní bheimid in ann glacadh le hiarataisí i ndiaidh sin. Bheimís buíoch chomh maith aon eolas faoi riachtainisí foghlama ar leith, go mór mór aon tuairisc siceolaíochta nó leighis atá ag aon paiste mua atá ag teacht chun acmhainní dóibh a chintiú.
Please ensure that all children seeking a place in Gaelscoil Osraí for September 2013 are registered with the school office. We will be allocating places before the end of February and will not be able to accept late applications regardless of who they come from. We would also request that any information about children’s specific learning needs are made clear to us immediately, particularly any psychological or medical reports which will be needed to ensure your child gets any resources they need when starting school.
Féilire an Téarma/Calendar for the coming term
Beidh an scoil dúnta ar na laethanta seo an téarma seo.
14ú agus 15ú Feabhra: Briseadh Meán Téarma
18ú Márta: Lá saoire Lá le Pádraig
22ú Márta: Laeth lae traidisiúnta don gCáisc. Scoil dúnta ag meanlae.
Seo a leanas dátaí tábhachtacha eile don dtéarma seo:
7ú Feabhra: Rang Trí Múinteoir Ruth ag taisteal go Ros Mhic Thriúin don gcomórtas Coirm.
4ú go dtí 17ú Márta: Seachtain na Gaeilge
10ú Márta: Cór na Scoile i bhFéile Cheoil Chill Chainnigh
28ú Feabhra: Céad aithrí, Séipéal Naomh Fhiachra, 7.30 pm.
23ú Márta: Cóineartú, Ardeaglais Naomh Muire, 11.00 am.
The school will be closed on the following days this term:
14th and 15th Feb: Mid-term break
18th March: St. Patrick’s Bank Holiday
22nd March: Traditional half day for Easter break. School closes at 12.00 noon.
Other important dates this term
7th Feb: Rang Trí Muinteoir Ruth travel to New Ross for Coirm variety show.
4th to 17th March: Seachtain na Gaeilge
10th. March: School choir performs in Kilkenny Music Festival
28th Feb: First penance ceremony for Rang a Dó, St. Fiachra’s Church at 7.30 pm
23rd March: Confirmation ceremony for Rang a 5 and 6, St. Mary’s Cathedral at 11.00 am
Measúnu Scoil Uile/ Whole School Evaluation
Beidh measúnú Scoil Uile an Roinn Oideachais ar siúl inár scoilne sa tseachtain idir an 4ú agus 8ú Márta. Is deis í seo chun dea-oibre agus cleachtas na scoile a léiriú do chigirí na roinne. Mar chuid den mheasúnú sin, tá seans go bhfaighidh tú ceistneoir abhaile ón Roinn Oideachais ar fhoghlaim do pháiste agus saol na scoile. Bheimís buíoch dá líonfá iad agus iad a sheoladh ar ais ag an am cuí.
Our school will undergo a Whole School Evaluation in the week between the 4th and the 8th March. This is a great opportunity for us to highlight the excellent teaching and learning going on in our school to the Department inspectors. As part of this process, you may receive a questionnaire from the Department seeking your views on the school and your child’s learning. We would appreciate your filling out of these questionnaires and returning them when requested.
Fáilte roimh Mhúinteoirí Nua/Welcome to new teachers
Fáilte faoi leith roimh beirt mhúinteoir óg fuinniúil a bheidh linn go deireadh na bliana. Tá Múinteoir Jennifer agus Múinteoir Ivan chun a bheith le Rang a hAon agus a Trí. Guímid gach rath ar Mhuinteoirí Máire Ruth agus Maria R sna míosa atá ag teacht.
We welcome two new and enthusiastic substitute teachers in Múinteoir Jennifer and Múinteoir Ivan who will be with Rang a hAon and Trí until the end of the school year. We also wish all the best to Muinteoir Máire Ruth and Maria R for their leave over that period.
Tionscnamh Scoil ag Spreagadh Sláinte/Health Promoting School
Ta iarta orainn ag an HSE a bheith páirteach i dtionscnamh chun a bheith mar Scoil ag Spreagadh Sláinte. Ritheann se seo le an-chuid ata déanta again mar Scoil Ghníomhach ach bheadh béim sa cheann seo ar réimse níos leithne don tsláinte, cosúil le beathú agus sláinte aigne. Tá gá le beirt thuimitheoir a bheith bainte leis an gcoiste beag a stiúródh an obair seo. Má tá fonn ort a bheith páirteach linn, an bhféadfá teangmháil a dhéanamh le Múinteoir Tanya le bhur dtoil.
We have been asked by the HSE to become involved in the Health Promoting Schools initiative. As you know we have done great work in this area in recent years through both the Green Schools and Active School committees. This new initiative would look at broader children’s health issues including the importance of diet and the promotion of good mental health. We need two parents to get involved in the group which will run the project and would ask you to inform Múinteoir Tanya if you are interested in being a part of this work.
Seachtain Chairdis/Friendship Week
Beidh Seachtain Chairdis ar siúl sa scoil idir an 4ú agus an 8ú Feabhra. Beimid ag díriú ar chúrsaí chairdis i roinnt ábhair agus molaimid díbh mar thuismitheoirí na ceisteanna a bhaineann leis a phlé sa bhaile, go mór mór conas easaontaí idir phaisti a sheachaint agus a réiteach, an gá a bheith deas agus cineálta le paistí eile agus conas cinníochas, míthrócaireacht agus bulaíocht a sheachaint inár scoilne agus lasmuigh. Is fiu féachaint ar ár bpolasaí in aghaidh bulaíochta atá ar fáil anseo:
We are delighted to be taking part in the annual Friendship Week from the 4th to the 8th of February. During that week, the school will focus on themes of friendship and we ask for your support as parents. Issues you could discuss at home include how to avoid disagreement between children and how to settle them properly and the need to be kind and respectful to others. In particular we will focus on avoiding any racism, unkindness and bullying behaviour either inside or outside school. You might like to look at our school’s anti-bullying policy on the school website and discuss it with your child:
Scoil Ghlas/Green Schools Reminder
Táimid tosaithe ar an obair dár gceathrú mbrat ghlas a fhaighimid do chúrsaí iompair. Mar chuid de sin, iarraimid oraibh páistí a spreagadh go mór chun teach tar scoil ar an mbus, ag siúl nó ag rothaíocht. Cabhraíonn sé go mór má ta tuismitheor sásta teacht le ar dtús. Déanfaimis gach iarracht an ghluaisteán a fhágain sa bhaile más feidir, go háirithe ar an Máirt agus an Aoine nó go bhfuil ár laethanta RÁS again- Rothaigh agus Siúl ar scoil.
We have begun the work towards our fourth green flag which will focus on promoting environmentally friendly travel to and from school. Please give your children every encouragement to travel by bus or to walk or cycle to school. Let’s leave the car at home, particularly on Tuesdays and Fridays which are our RAS days. It often helps if a parent cycles or walks with children to give them confidence and of course improves our own health and fitness as well. As part of the programme, we hope to offer safe cycling classes later in the year.
Bille Scoile
Ná dearmad an bille scoile a íoc chomh maith agus gur féidir leat. Clúdaíonn sé seo bun-chostaisí do pháiste cosúil le árachas fiche cheathar uair a chloig, sceim cíosach leabhar a shábhálann airgead ar gach tuismitheoir agus costaisí na múinteoirí breise a chuireann go mór le réimse foghlama do pháiste.
Please remember to do your best to contribute to your child’s school bill. This covers basic costs like 24 hour insurance for your child, the book rental scheme which saves everybody additional costs and the costs of additional teachers in sports who add so much to your child’s learning. You can pay in many different ways through the school office, by direct debit or standing order.
Coiste na dTuimitheoirí/Parent’s Association
Tá an choiste ag leanúint ar aghaidh lena chuid dea-oibre mar is gnách. Tá am na gcruinnithe athruithe go dtí 2.00 pm ar an Aoine deireanach don mhí, ar siúl i Rang Múinteoir Siobhán. Tá fáilte romhat chun aon inchur gur mhaith leat a dhéanamh.
Tá an choiste ag eagrú grúpa Operation Transformation sa scoil. Bíonn an meá ar siúl i seomra Múinteoir Siobhán gach Aoine ag 2.00 chomh maith. Gearrtar €2 an seisiún ar se oar nhaithe le ciste airgid na scoile.
Our Parent’s Association are continuing with their great work. They have changed their meetings to the last Friday of the month in Múinteoir Siobhán’s classroom at 2.00 pm and we encourage every parent to come along and play their part.
The Coiste are currently organising an Operation Transformation with the weekly ‘Weigh Ins’ taking place also at 2 pm in Múinteoir Siobhán’s room. The cost for each session is €2 going to school funds.