Nuachtlitir 7ú Bealtaine 2014
Looking Good in Lycra- Faigh na ticéidí
Beidh oíche iontach faisean spoirt ar siúl an Déardaoin seo chugainn an 15ú san Left Bank ag 7.30 pm. Tá na ticéidí ar fáil anois san oifig ar €10 agus is oíche mhór é seo chun tacú lenár gCoiste na dTuismitheoirí atá ag bailiú airgid ar mhaithe na scoile i mbliana. Scaip an fhocail agus bailigh cúpla cairde chun a bheith ann don bhfaisean agus níos tábhachtaí don gcraic!
Tickets at €10 each are now available in the school office for our great night ahead next Thursday the 15th May at the Left Bank when our Parents Association are holding a fashion show with a difference. It will be all about looking good when you’re out walking or running or getting in the hard work on the treadmill in the gym. It ties in with our Active School and Health promoting Schools work and of course with our Rith Beo fundraiser too. Come along and have a great night’s craic and banter and remember the night will include advice and items for those of all shapes and sizes.
Rith Beo
Táimid ag druidim cóngarach anois don lá mór reatha agus siúil sa scoil ar an Domhnach an 25ú Bealtaine. Tá tréanáil iontach ar siúl ag paistí agus ag tuismitheoirí don dara Rith Beo agus taimid ag iarraidh ar gach chlann iarracht a dhéanamh a bheith páirteach. Is féidir le gach éinne 5km a shiúil agus tá sé iontach tuismitheoirí agus páistí a fheiscint ag siúl nó ag rith le chéile. Tá tréanáil ag leanúint ar aghaidh anocht agus Luan agus Céadaoin an dá sheachtain atá fágtha. Ná dearmad ach oiread clárú ar
There is great training and preparation going on for our second Rith Beo fun walk and run. Last year’s event was a huge success and we hope it will be bigger and better on May 25th (two weeks from Sunday) at 12.00 noon. Although the 5k and 10k races will be great events for the runners, the emphasis for the day is taking part. Almost everybody can walk 5k and it’s particularly great to see families walking and running together. Training is continuing tonight and on the two Monday and Wednesday evenings left at 6.30 pm from the school. Please like and share our Facebook Page for the event and you can register for the race on
Ceol ar siúl
Ta obair iontach ar siúl ag ár múinteoir cheoil nua, Mharhi Baird ón Albainn gach Céadaoin. Táimid buíoch do gach éinne a thóg isteach an €2 an lae do na ranganna seo agus tá na páistí ag baint fíor-taitneamh as. Cinntigh le’d lgo bhfuil feadóg stáin ag do pháiste agus go bhfuil sí sa mhála acu gach lá. Ná dearmad chomh maith gur féidir leat íoc as na ceachtanna seo ar-líne ag
Our new music teacher Mharhi Baird had a fantastic start last week and our children are really enjoying her new and exciting approach. Please support us by making sure your child has a tin whistle and that it is in their bag each day. Please also ask them to do their few minutes of practice every night as part of their obair bhaile. Thanks to you also for sending in the €2 per day for these classes and don’t forget you can pay for the seven weeks together directly to the teacher or at our online payments facility at
Brat Ghlas faighte arís!
Comhgáirdeachas don gCoiste Scoil Ghlas, faoi stiúir Mhúinteoir Deirdre as ucht an dea-nuacht go bhfuil ár gceathrú bhrat ghlas faighte againn. Míle buíochas díobhse mar thuismitheoirí ata ag déanamh an médi sin chun ár bpáistí a spreagadh chuun teacht ar scoil i slí sláintiúil agus inbhuanaithe. Beidh an brat á fáil againn an tseachtain seo chugainn.
Congratulatiions to our Green Schools Committee under the direction of Múinteoir Deirdre on achieving our fourth Green Flag award for transport. Thanks to all of you as parents for doing so much to encourage your children to travel to school in a healthy and sustainable way which means cutting out as many car journeys as we can. We will receive our flag at a special ceremony next week and will have a celebration of the event soon in the school.
Bille Scoile le do thoil!!
Arís táimid an-bhuíoch don méid ata faighte againn ón mbille scoile atá fíor-thábhactach ó thaobh rith laethúil na scoile do. Bheimís buíoch d’aon íocaíocht gur féidir leat a dhéanamh go dtí an oifig nó ar-líne idir seo agus deireadh na bliana.
Once again we give you a gentle reminder that outstanding payments on the Bille Scoile need to be settled as soon as possible. Payments are being made on a weekly basis to people the school have employed at parents’ request to provide extra classes and to cover basic costs and these need to be funded, particularly in a very tight few years with our building project ongoing. All payments to the office or through our online payments will be welcome.
Coiste Airgeadais
Beidh costaisí breise orainn anois chun an síneadh nua dár scoil a cheangail leis an bpríomh fhoirgneamh. Táimid ag lorg grúpa beag tuismitheoirí a bheadh sásta a bheith páirteach i gCoiste Airgeadais na scoile chun a tairgead a bhailiú. Seol ephoist nó teachtaireacht don Mháistir go luath má tá suim agat a bheith páirteach.
We will now have substantial extra costs arising out of the joining of our new extension to the main school building. We are urgently seeking a small number of parents who would be willing to join a fundraising committee to begin a fundraising drive. We look forward to your support in the coming months and years on this matter.
Ceolchoirm-DVD ar fáil
Tá an DVD ar fáil onár gceolchoirm iontach a raibh ar siúl sa Watergate le déanaí. €10 an cheann ón oifig.
Céad Comaoineach
Bhí paistí Rang a 2 ar fheabhas ar fad agus iad ag glacadh lena chéad comaoineach an Satharn seo chaite i Séipéal Naomh Fhiachra. Míle buíochas do Mhúinteoirí Deirdre Maria agus Ivan don obair chruaidh ar fad ata déanta acu i mbliana. Buíochas chomh maith d’Eibhlín san oifig, do Doreen agus Helen sa séipéal agus don Athair Liam, Dan agus Roderick dá gcabhair ar fad.
Our second class were brilliant at their first communion ceremony last Saturday in St. Fiachra’s church. Huge thanks to Múinteoir Ivan and Deirdre Maria for their Trojan work in this very important year for the children and for a lovely, simple ceremony which was commented on so favourably afterwards. Thanks too to Doreen and Helen in the church for their help and particularly to Fr. Liam, Dan and Roderick for all their work. One of the highlights of the day was our fourth ‘Tae Bán’ get-together in the school halla and a huge thanks to tuismitheoirí Rang a hAon for all the wonderful baking, food preparation and friendly service on the day. The DVD of this event will also be available in the coming weeks from the school office.
Scoil ag Spreagadh Sláinte/ Health Promoting School
Tá ‘Bosca Smaointe’ ag barr an halla anois chun aon tuairimí atá ag paistí nó tuismitheoirí a bhailiú mar gheall ar conas ár scoil a dhéanamh níos sláintiúla.
Our Health Promoting Schools committee have installed a ‘Suggestion Box’ in the school halla for any great ideas as to how we can continue to make our school a Health Promoting one. All ideas from parents or pupils are very welcome.