Fáilte ar ais roimh gach éinne taréis laethanta álainne saoire na Cásca. Tá téarma gnóthach ós ár gcomhair amach. Iarraimid oraibh cúpla rud a dhéanamh a chabhróidh go mór le saol na scoile agus foghlaim na bpaistí. Cinntigh le’d thoil go leanann do pháiste ar aghaidh leis an méid réasúnta obair bhaile atá le déanamh acu. Ta sé tábhactach go gcríochnófar an obair churaclaim atá le déanamh. Tá iarrta againn ar phaistí a chuid obair bhaile a dhéanamh tráthnóna sar a dtéann siad amach ag súgradh, rud go bhfuil a fhios  againn atá deacair go leor! Chomh maith le sin tá dea-iompair tábhactach chomh maith. Tá sos agus codladh na bpaistí an-tábhactach chun é sin a chinntiú agus is féidir a rá gur mhol an scoil go n-imeoidís a chodladh luath! Mar chabhair deireanach an féidir libh na páistí a spreagadh go láidir chun leanúint ar aghaidh leis an nGaeilge a labhairt ar scoil agus b’fhéidir beagáinín sa bhaile chomh maith.

Welcome back to what will be a busy final term in school after a magical Easter break. In order to ensure that our children get the most from the term we would ask you to help us with a few practical things that help in childrens’ behaviour and learning. We would ask you to ensure that children continue doing the reasonable amount of homework they are given by their teachers to help us ensure that the important learning on the curriculum is finished for the year. We have recommended to children that they complete their homework early in the afternoon before going out to play which we know is not always easy. We also find that the tempting late nights as the evenings become longer can have a negative effect on behaviour and learning so feel free to blame us for reasonable bed-times! Finally we would ask you to encourage the children to keep up their use of Gaeilge in school and encourage it as best you can at home. 

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