Cuid eile den Nuachtlitir. Rest of our May newsletter


Bíonn trioblóid I gcónaí ag an am seo den bhliain faoi pháistí ag tógaint éadaí paistí eile trí thimpiste. Bí cinnte arís le’d thoil go bhfuil ainm do phaiste ar gach píosa éadaigh agus seiceail iad go rialta ar eagla go bhfuil éadaí daoine eile tóghta acu.

There are always problems in this term with missing clothes. Please ensure your child’s name is on every item of clothing and ask them to check that they have their own clothes at all times. Please check their clothes also and return the items taken by mistake.


Bille Scoile

Arís bí cinnte go bhfuil do bhille scoile íoctha agat mar tá ganntannas súntasach sa mhéid gur chóir a bheith tagtha isteach.

Once again we are very conscious of the difficulties faced by many of you in financial terms but we would ask you to ensure that you have made your best efforts to pay your child’s school bill. There is as we expected a shortfall this year but we would hate to see this leading to a cutback in services we provide where people have overlooked the bill. One of the important things paid for out of the Bille for example is the book rental scheme which makes books much more affordable for everybody. Please check that you have made what contribution you can.



Beidh gala smámha an chontae ar siúl I linn snámha an Watershed ar an 15ú Meitheamh. D’eirigh go hiontach linn le roinnt blianta anuas de bharr dea-obair Mhuinteoir Siobháin ach go háirithe. Tá cabhair tuismitheoirí ag teastail arís I mbliana ó thaobh traillacha a eagrú. Má tá tú ar fáil, cuir nóta go Muinteoir Siobhan  le’d thoil.

The annual county schools swimming gala takes place agina this year on the 15th. of June. We have been hugely successful in recent years thanks largely to the great work done by Múinteoir Siobhán. We will require some help from parent sin porgainising trials for our team before this date and if you feel you can help, please let Muinteoir Siobhán know as soon as possible.


Cór na nÓg

Tá obair iontach déanta ag an trí Rang 4 don bhlian ar fad ag foghlaim agus ag cleachtadh amhráin álainne do chór naisiúnta na bpaistí. Tiocfaidh an oíche mhór dóibh an tseachtain seo chugainn ar an 19ú Bealtaine nuair go mbeidh siad ag canadh in Árd Eaglais Naomh Chainnigh. Beidh grúpa bherag de na paistí ag canadh sa Cheoláras Náisiúnta chomh maith i mí Meithimh. Arís gabhaimíd buíochas do Mhúinteoirí Maria Bríd, Aisling agus Nioclás don obair iontach seo.

The children in our fourth classes have been doing fantastic work all year learning and rehearsing songs as part of their participation in the national Children’s Choir. The highlight of this work will come on Thursday of next week, the 19th of May when the children will perform with the county choir in St. Canice’s Cathedral at 7.30 pm. A number of children will also be singing in the National concert Hall in June as part of this great work done by the children under the guidance of Múinteoirí Maria Bríd, Aisling and Nioclás.


Bí Slán/Stay Safe

Beidh na múinteoirí sa scoil ag díriú isteach ar an gcuid ‘Bí Slán’ don gclár Oideachas Sóisialta, Peasanta agus Sláinte don dtéarma seo. Is cuid an thábhactach d’oideachas phaistí an chlár seo agus iarraimid oraibh mar thuismitheoirí cabhrú leis an gclár trí plé a dhéanamh ar an ábhar sa bhaile. Tá an t-eolas ar fad faoin gclár ag

All of the teachers will be teaching the ‘Stay Safe’ section of the Social, Personal and Health education curriculum this term. This is a vital part of your child’s education and we would urge you to play your part by discussing the issues at home with your child in an open and positive way. You can find out more about the programme at


Taispeántas CRAFTed

Mar chuid den obair álainn a dhein Rang a 3 Muinteoir Gráinne san ealáin i mbliana i gclár leis an Chomhairle Ealaíne agus Ionad Oideachais Chill Chainnigh, beidh oíche speisialta ar siúl san Ionad Oideachais ar oíche Déardaoin an 19ú Bealtaine chun obair na bpáistí agus na paistí ó scoileanna eile a raibh bainte leis a fheiscint agus a cheiliúradh. Ta fáilte ar leith roimh tuismitheoirí na bpaistí agus beidh Méara na Cathrach i láthair. Buail isteach óna 7.00 go dtí a 9.00 pm.

To celebrate the wonderful craft work done by Rang a 3 Muinteoir Gráinne as part of the CRAFTed programme with the National Crafts Council and Kilkenny Education centre, a special exhibition of our children’s work, along with the work of the other schools involved will take place on Thursday next the 19th of May in the Education Centre, Callan Road from 7.00 to 9.00 pm. Parents of the children involved are particularly welcome to attend.


Clós lán le dathanna

Táimid an-sásta lenár gcluichí agus mairceáil nua ar chlós na scoile. Deineadh an obair seo thar laethanta saoire na Cásca mar chuid de dheontas chun cur le háiseanna sugradh agus chorpoideachais na scoile. Míle buíochas do mhúinteoir Michelle a stiúraigh an obair seo agus do pháistí Rang a 4 a chabhraigh go mór léi na cluichí a réitiú.

We are delighted with the new interactive games and yard markings on our playground which were installed over the Easter holidays. This work was done as part of a grant for the improvement of play and PE facilities received from the Department of Education and Skills and was co-ordinated by Múinteoir Michelle who got great help from children in Rang a 4. 

Gradam Foirfeachta Múinteoireachta/Excellence in Teaching Award

Tá áthas an domhain orainn gur ghlacamar le gradam foirfeachta muinteoireachta ó Institiúd Teicneolaíochta Phort Láirgeagus Ionad oideachais Chill Chainnigh an mhí seo chaite. Ní bhfuair ach trí scoil sa chontae an ghradam seo agus is comhartha do dhea-chleachtras múinteoireachta, go mór mór múineadh comhoibritheach atá ann. Tá an ghradam á chrochadh in halla na scoile anois.

We are delighted to have been awarded an ‘Excellence in Teaching’ award from Waterford Institute of Technology  following a six-month programme which examined and  celebrated the excellence of teaching, particularly the team-based, co-operative teaching going on in  our school. Only three schools in the county received this award and we are very grateful to the staff who gave a huge amount of their personal time in achieving this recognition for the school. The award is on display in the front hall of the school.

Díolachán Faisin. Our fashion night


20th May at 8pm – Gaelscoil Osrai

Fashion Advice from Karen Morrissey & Cheese and Wine Reception

                   The Parents Committee is organising a Clothes Sale next Friday 20th May at 8pm at the Gaelscoil. We are looking for donations of nearly new/good conditioned clothes/bags for this event, for example clothes which are too big/too small in good condition which are taking up space in your wardrobe  We ask also that you donate hangers with the clothes, which should be clean and ironed.  

All donations will be accepted at the school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings and at school collection times on those days. Anyone available to help out please contact Kim Kinsella 0879832439. 

Lá Pleanála-Upcoming Planning Day

Táimid chun lá pleanála foirne a thógaint ar an Aoine an 17ú Meitheamh. Ni bheidh scoil ag na paistí an lá sin. Chomh maith le sin, tosóidh an scoil-bhlian nua ar an gCeádaoin 31ú Lúnasa agus beidh an briseadh mean-téarma ann ón 31ú Deireadh Fomhair go dtí an 4ú Samhain agus asoire na Nollaig ón 22ú Nollaig go dtí an 9ú Eanair 2012. Beidh sonruithe na bristí eile 2012 againn don gcéad nuachlitir eile.

We are using Friday the 17th of June for a school planning day and the children will not have school that day. We will break up for the summer holidays on Thursday the 30th of June and will return on the morning of Wednesday the 31st August for the new school year. The mid-term break will take place from Monday the 31st of October to Friday the 4th of November inclusive and the Christmas break will start on the 22nd of December and we will reopen on the 9th of January 2012. The spring mid-term and Easter break next year will be weather dependent and we have been told to advise people not to count on the full week’s break in February or the full fortnight at Easter. We will have more detail on this in the next newsletter.

Fáilte Ruadhán-Welcome to new arrival

Comhgáirdeachas mhór do Mhúinteoir Máire Ruth agus Adrian as ucht breith a chéad linbh Ruadhán an Aoine seo chaite. Saol fada agus sláinte aige.

Heartiest congratulations to Múinteoir Máire Ruth and Adrian on the birth of their first child, baby boy Ruadhán last Friday. May he have a long a healthy life.

Fáilte-Welcome for third term

Fáilte ar ais roimh gach éinne taréis laethanta álainne saoire na Cásca. Tá téarma gnóthach ós ár gcomhair amach. Iarraimid oraibh cúpla rud a dhéanamh a chabhróidh go mór le saol na scoile agus foghlaim na bpaistí. Cinntigh le’d thoil go leanann do pháiste ar aghaidh leis an méid réasúnta obair bhaile atá le déanamh acu. Ta sé tábhactach go gcríochnófar an obair churaclaim atá le déanamh. Tá iarrta againn ar phaistí a chuid obair bhaile a dhéanamh tráthnóna sar a dtéann siad amach ag súgradh, rud go bhfuil a fhios  againn atá deacair go leor! Chomh maith le sin tá dea-iompair tábhactach chomh maith. Tá sos agus codladh na bpaistí an-tábhactach chun é sin a chinntiú agus is féidir a rá gur mhol an scoil go n-imeoidís a chodladh luath! Mar chabhair deireanach an féidir libh na páistí a spreagadh go láidir chun leanúint ar aghaidh leis an nGaeilge a labhairt ar scoil agus b’fhéidir beagáinín sa bhaile chomh maith.

Welcome back to what will be a busy final term in school after a magical Easter break. In order to ensure that our children get the most from the term we would ask you to help us with a few practical things that help in childrens’ behaviour and learning. We would ask you to ensure that children continue doing the reasonable amount of homework they are given by their teachers to help us ensure that the important learning on the curriculum is finished for the year. We have recommended to children that they complete their homework early in the afternoon before going out to play which we know is not always easy. We also find that the tempting late nights as the evenings become longer can have a negative effect on behaviour and learning so feel free to blame us for reasonable bed-times! Finally we would ask you to encourage the children to keep up their use of Gaeilge in school and encourage it as best you can at home.