Title: test multiday event
Nuachtlitir Tús na Bliana 2018/2019
Nuachtlitir Tús na Bliana 2018/2019
Fáilte chroíúil ar ais ar scoil gach éinne. Tá 455 páiste linn i mbliana agus táimid ag súil le bliain iontach foghlama, spraoi agus iontaisí an tsaoil. Curimid fáilte ar leith roimh an 66 naíonáin bheaga inár dtrí rang naíonain bheaga, an chéad uair i stair 34 bliain na scoile gur thárla a leithéid. Beimid ag súil le bheith ag comhoibriú libh mar thuismitheoirí chun go mbeidh suaimhneas agus sonas ag ár bpáistí agus go réiteofar aon fhadhb chomh tapaidh agus i slí chomh éifeachtach agus gur féidir linn le chéile. Cuirimid in iúil duit go bhfuil sé fíor-thábhactach labhairt le múinteoir agus an scoil nuair go bhfuil buairt ort faoi aon rud a bhaineann le do pháiste agus gan ligint do rud leanúint ar aghaidh. Formhór an ama is leor nóta i ndialann obair bhaile ach má tá fáth agat labhairt leis an múinteoir, cur glaoch ar an oifig le’d thoil ag 056 7765697 chun cruinniú a lorg nó cur ephoist go runai@osrai.com Is fearr gan ceisteanna móra a árdú le múinteoir ghnóthach roimh nó díreach an lae scoile nuair go bhfuil siad ghnóthach le do pháiste agus páistí eile.
You are hugely welcome back to a brand new school year where we all start afresh and hopefully refreshed after our summer break. A particular welcome to our 67 new Junior Infants in Múinteoir Ruth, Bríd and Jennifer’s classes, the first time our school has accepted three junior infant classes as a result of the continuing very high demand for places in our school. We have 455 children this year and look forward to a wonderful year of learning, play and the wonders and surprises of life. We look forward to working together with you as parents to ensure your child’s wellbeing and happiness and also to finding a way to deal with any occasional problems that may arise as quickly and effectively as we all would like. We remind you therefore, that a problem brought to our attention quickly is always the easiest one to solve. A quick note in your child’s homework diary is normally enough but if you feel you need to speak to a teacher, please contact Eileen in the office on 056 7765697 or email runai@osrai.com to arrange an appointment. It’s always much better not to ‘doorstep’ a teacher with an issue of concern when they are busy with children in the morning or at the end of the school day. We sincerely thank Múinteoirí Colette and Maria T and the children in their Rang a 3 class who have agreed to take up temporary residence in the Máistir’s office upstairs as we work on getting our new classroom put in place. We apologise for the inconvenience involved.
Oíche Eolais Tuismitheoirí/Parents Information Meeting
Táimid ag rith le oíche eolais do tuismitheoirí uilig na scoile i mbliana ar an Déardaoin seo chugainn, an 13 Meán Fomhair sa scoil. Tosóimid ag 7 pm le cruinniú eolais do na tuismitheoirí ar fad ag 7.00 pm agus i ndiaidh sin, beidh cruinniú i ngach seomra le múinteoir/múinteoirí do pháiste don mbliain. Is seans í seo chun tuiscint mhaith a bheith ag gach éinne ar chur chuige na múinteoirí agus socruithe ghinearálta na scoile. Tá súil againn gur feidir le tuismitheoir amháin ón gclann ar a laghad a bheith i láthair. Beidh an tráthnóna críochnaithe roimh 8.30 pm le cúnamh Dé. Beidh cruinnithe Rang a 1 ar siúl ar an gCéadaoin an 12 ag 7.00 pm agus beidh na cruinnithe do naíonáin bheaga ar siúl i gceann cupla seachtain.
We have decided to have an information night for all parents in our school on Thursday next September 13th at 7.00 pm. We will begin with a general information meeting about the school in the halla and you will then be able to move to your child’s classroom to meet with their teacher/teachers for the year. This is a great opportunity to get a clear picture of how the year’s learning will work for your child and how we can all work together to make the year ahead one of great co-operation for all of us. We hope that at least one parent from each family can make the evening which will finish by 8.30 pm hopefully! The meetings for Rang a hAon cannot take place on the Thursday unfortunately and will take place instead at 7.00 pm on Weds the 12th and the Junior Infant meetings will take place in a few weeks time.
Féitheoireacht maidine/Morning Supervision
Cuirfear i gcuimhne duit go n-osclaíonn an scoil ag 8.50 am do pháistí. Níl féitheoireacht ar fáil do pháistí roimh an am sin. Bí cinnte do pháistí a bhailiú in am taréis scoile agus imeachtaí scoile chomh maith. Ní chuirfear féitheoireacht ar fáil taréis am scoile.
Iarraimid ort carr-chlós LIDL, ALDI nó Supervalu a úsáid le’d thoil agus siúl le do pháiste óna h-áiteanna sin go dtí an scoil nó siúl nó rothaigh leo ón mbaile. Cuir ceist ar an oifig mar gheall ar bhusanna scoile chomh maith.
We remind you that the school grounds open for pupils at 8.50 am and that supervision is not provided before that time. We also ask you to collect your children on time after school or school activities end. We do not provide supervision after school or school activities end.
We also ask you to use the LIDL, ALDI and Super-Valu car-parks and to walk with your child from there to school or better again to walk or cycle with them from home. You will also get school bus details from the office and we encourage all these forms of transport as part of our Green Schools Initiative.
Laethanta Saoire na Bliana
Seo a leanas na laethanta saoire i rith na bliana. Here are the holiday arrangements for the year to help you plan the escapes! Please try to limit the time your child misses in school outside of these times and please make a special effort to be on time in the morning J
Tá sonruithe oscailte na scoile ar fad ar ár suíomh idirlíon ag http://www.osrai.com/feilire-events-calendar/
All the details of our school openings and closures for the 2018-2019 school year are on our school website at http://www.osrai.com/feilire-events-calendar/
Here are most of the important dates for the next school year 2018/2019.
30 Lúnasa: Tús na Scoilbliana
29ú Deireadh Fomhair-2 Samhain: Briseadh na Samhna/November Break
21 Nollaig: Leathlá do saoire na Nollag
7 Eanair 2018: Ar ais ar scoil don bliain nua
18 go dtí 22 Feabhra 2018: Briseadh an Earraigh.
18ú Márta: Lá Saoire Poiblí Lá le Pádraig
12 Aibreán: Leath lá do saoire na Cásca
29 Aibreán: Ar ais ar scoil taréis na Cásca
6 Bealtaine: Lá saoire bainc Bealtaine.
3 agus 4 Bealtaine: Briseadh Mheithimh
28ú Meitheamh: Deireadh na Scoilbliana.
Bille Scoile
Tá árdú beag sa bhille scoile na bliana seo do roinnt ranganna toisc infheistíocht mhór atá déanta againn i scéim nua Bhéarla don scoil. Iarraimid ort an bille a íoc chomh luath agus is féidir agus beidh tarrac againn arís d’aon tuismitheoir atá íoctha go hiomlán roimh deireadh mí Mheán Fomhair.
The school contribution for your child has increased slightly this year as a result of major investment in a new English reading scheme. Please remember this amount covers essential costs in the school including 24-hour insurance for your child(inside and outside of school), the book rental scheme in the senior classes and the costs of the extra tuition in sports, yoga, dance and swimming which our parents have always valued. You can pay your contribution now by clicking on the ‘Pay Now’ tab at www.osrai.com and entering the email address you use to receive school emails. All children whose bill is fully paid by the end of October will enter a draw to receive a full refund of the bille.
Bainne Scoile
Tá an-áthas orainn go mbeidh bainne laethúil ar fáil do pháistí na scoile i mbliana. Is €35 don bhliain ar fad atá i gceist agus is luach iontach airgid atá ann.
We are delighted that Glanbia have reduced the price of school milk for this School year to €35 for both size cartons 189ml & 330ml. This represents fantastic value for money. We have decided to take payment for the full year this year and we strongly encourage you to avail of the offer to improve bone and general health in our children, supplied by our local dairy company. If you would like your child to get milk at lunchtime please pay online at www.osrai.com or via cheque.
Lón Sláintiúil-Buíochas don dtacaíocht
Cuirimid in iúil duit féachaint ar na treoirlínte atá curtha amach againn faoin lón sláintiúil sa scoil.
We remind you to look again over our Healthy Lunches policy on the link below. Our policy is designed to make life easier for you as parents in choosing the healthy option for your child in their school nutrition every day and to help us have a consistent set of rules for all our children. Please ensure also that in-keeping with our Green School policy that your child brings their food and drinks in reusable containers and that we avoid tin foil, cling-film and all other unnecessary packaging in their lunch boxes and it would be great if you could teach them how to rinse out yoghurt cartons, milk cartons etc before they are recycled in school.
Club Obair Bhaile
Beidh ár gclubanna club obair bhaile ag tosú ar an Luan seo chugainn, an 10 Meán Fomhair. Tá nótaí seolta chugat le páistí go bhfuil suim acu a bheith páirteach agus bíonn an-éileamh ar seo i gcónaí. Seol an nóta ar ais chomh tapaidh agus gur féidir.
Our school will again provide after school homework clubs from Monday to Thursday for an hour after school. Places are now being allocated so we ask you to return the forms emailed to you as quickly as possible to reserve a place.
Ranganna Gaeilge
Beidh ranganna Gaeilge do thuismitheoirí ar siúl sa scoil ag tosú le ar an gCéadaoin an 26 Meán Fomhair má tá go leor éileamh ann. Is €40 le haghaidh ocht seachtain an táille agus is Mícheál Ó Máirtín, ár n-iarphríomhoide atá chun na ranganna a rith. Beidh fáilte roimh tosaitheoirí agus feabhsathóirí agus má tá suim agat cur glaoch ar Eibhlín san oifig nó seol ephoist go eolas@osrai.com le d’ainm agus uimhir teangmhála.
If you want to get your Gaeilge back up and running, Mícheál Ó Máirtín, our former Principal will be teaching classes for parents in the school this term, starting on Wednesday the 26th September if there is sufficient demand. The cost is just €40 for eight weeks and beginners and improvers are welcome. If you would like to take part call Eileen in the office or email eolas@osrai.com with your name and contact number.
Playball ar ais
The Playball company began again this Thursday 6th Sept. The cost is €70 for ten weeks of this after-school sports service for children from Naíonáin Bheaga to Rang a 4. You can get more information at www.playballsoutheast.ie
Rince Ghaelach
Tosóidh rinnce gaelach ag Múinteoir Evelyn an Luan seo chugainn agus beidh sí ag cur ranganna i ndiaidh am scoile ar fáil dóibh siúd go dteastaíonn sé uathu chomh maith.
Our class Irish dancing classes begin again on Monday next and Múinteoir Evelyn will also provide classes after school on Monday also.
Peil Ghaelach
Thosaigh tréanail do pheil ghaelach na mbuachaillí agus cailíní ag tosú ar an Luan seo i ndiaidh am scoile óna 3.00 go 4.30 pm. Tá failte roimh gach páiste ó Rang a 4-6 a bheith bainte leis. Bí cinnte go bhfuil bróga peile, brístí ghearra agus cosantóir fiacla ag do pháiste. Beidh na buachaillí ag tréanáil i nGort na Learóige (páirc Séamus Stiofáin) agus na cailíní ar pháirc astro na scoile.
The Cumann na mBunscoil football season starts immediately with training for our boys and girls teams having started on Monday afternoon from 3-4.30 pm in Larchfield (James Stephens pitch)for the boys and on the school Astro pitch for the girls. All children from 4th to 6th class are welcome to come along and please ensure your child has shorts, football boots or runners and most importantly mouth guards to protect their teeth which are now compulsory.
Camógaíocht-Cill Chainnigh Abú
Guímid gach rath ar imreoirí chamógaíochta an chontae ar an Domhnach seo i gcoinne Corcaigh. We wish the Kilkenny camogie senior team the very best in Sunday’s All Ireland final against Cork.
Craobh Mionúir
Comhbhrón lenár n-iarscoláire, Eoin Mac Giolla Phóil a bhí ar an bpainéal mionúir a chaill craobh na hÉireann i mí Lúnasa.
Commiserations to past pupil Eoin Mac Giolla Phóil and the county team who lost out in the All-Ireland Minor hurling final in August. Beidh lá eile!
Ceol agus canadh
Beidh cór na scoile an-ghnóthach ar fad i mbliana. Beidh siad ag glacadh páirt i gceolchoirm na Leoin roimh Nollaig agus i bhFéile Cheoil Chill Chainnigh san Earrach. Tosóidh an chleachtadh chóir ag am lóin ar an Luan an 17 Meán Fomhair agus iarraimid ort do pháiste a spreagadh chun a bheith páirteach.
Mar an gcéanna le Grúpa Cheoil na Scoile, an bhféadfá do pháiste a mholadh chun a bheith páirteach. Ba bhreá linn dá mbeadh an ghrúpa cheoil lán go barra i mbliana le buachaillí agus cailíní.
Our school choir are due to have a very busy year, taking part in the Lion’s Club charity concert in December and Kilkenny Music Festival in the spring. Choir practice begins on Monday 17th September at lunch time and we ask you to urge your child to take part. We also hope to have our traditional music group up and running in the near future and again ask you to encourage your child to take part. If your child is attending violin, flute or other instrumental classes, they can easily add a few traditional tunes to their repertoire. Of course singing and music continue in each classroom too and remember to have the feadóg stáin in the bag at all times. Here’s to a music-filled year!
Toghchán tuismitheora
Táimid an-bhuíoch do John Grace atá taréis feidhmiú mar ionadaí na dtuismitheoirí agus mar chisteoir ar ár mbord bainistíochta le roinnt blianta anuas. Toisc go bhfuil páiste deireanach John taréis an scoil a fhágaint, tá orainn ainmní nua fireann a thoghadh anois don gcuid eile de thréimhse an bhoird go deireadh 2019. Beidh cruinniú ar siúl sa scoil ar an Máirt an 25 Meán Fomhair ag 7.00 pm. Is féidir tuismitheoir a ainmniú ar an oíche. Má tá níos mó ná ainmniúchán amháin, beidh toghchán againn ar an oíche. Bedh cruinniú cinn bhliana ár gCoiste na dTuismitheoirí ar siúl ar an oíche chéanna ag 7.30 pm agus iarraimid ort a bheith páirteach sa choiste tábhactach seo sa scoil.
We are hugely grateful to John Grace who has served as one of our parent’s nominees and as treasurer on our Board of Management in recent years. Because John’s youngest child has left the school, he cannot continue in this position and we must now seek the election of a new male parents nominee, to serve until the end of the board’s term at the end of 2019. We will hold a meeting to elect the new nominee on Tuesday September 25th at 7.00 pm. Nominations are made from the floor on the night and an election will take place if more than one candidate is nominated.
This meeting will be followed by the AGM of our Parents Association at 7.30 pm. We strongly encourage you to consider becoming involved in our Parents Association, either as a class parents rep or as an officer. Our current committee have given great service over recent years and we would love to see new members offering their services.
Scoil dúnta inniu/School closed today.
Tá brón orainn ach tá an scoil dúnta inniu. We are sorry to inform you that the school will be closed today due to very dangerous road conditions and the cancellation of the majority of our buses. We will keep you informed about the coming days.
Slán le Táilliúir/Farewell to Táilliúir
Is le croí thar a bheith trom gur fhágamar slán le Táilliúir Ní Mhurchú, iar-scoláire ár scoilne, a d’imigh ar shlí na fírinne ar an Satharn seo chaite an 27 Eanáir 2018. Naoi mbliana déag a chaith Táilliúir ar an saol seo agus tá sí imithe uainn i bhfad ró-luath, in am mar a dúirt an tAth Roderick ag a socraid gur chóir dá saol a bheith ag teacht i mbláth.
Tháinig Táilliúir chugainn i 2002 agus do las a meangadh gáire suas an saol ina timpeall. Bhí dlúth-chairde aici ón tús agus bhí sí dílis dóibh agus iad di. Ghlac sí páirt le fuinneamh i saol na scoile agus dúil aici sa bhfoghlaim. Bhí sí i gcónaí ag faire amach agus ag tabhairt aire do pháistí níos óige ná í féin agus i gcónaí béasach, spraíúil, cabhraitheach le múinteoirí agus foireann na scoile.
Bhí an-suim aici san ealaín agus dár ndóigh níos déanaí sa smidiú agus stíl. Bhain sí triail as gach rud a bhí á dhéanamh sa scoil. Ghlac sí páirt i bhfoirne peile agus camógaíochta ar mhaithe lena cairde agus saol na scoile.
Mothaímid uainn go mór Táiliúir. Seasaimid lena Daid Declan agus lena Mamaí Aisling. Táimid ag roinnt an briseadh chroí atá ar a dheartháireacha Caoimhín agus Shane agus dár ndóigh, a deirfiúir álainn Ellie atá fós linn i Rang a 4. Tá ceathrar cholceathrar linn faoi láthair agus grúpa cholceathracha eile mar iar-scoláirí. Casaimid go minic lena Daideo Des a thagann chun na scoile agus a Mamó Catherine.
Comhbhrón chomh maith dá sean-tuismitheoirí eile Paddy agus Marie Ryder, dá huncail, aintíneacha agus an chlann ar fad.
Bhí ciorcal mór cairde ag Táilliúir agus seasaimid leo ag an am deacair seo. Guímid sláinte maith agus dóchas orthu ar fad.
Faoi dheireadh, bhí Táiliúir an-dílis don Ghaeilge agus d’ár scoil i gcónaí. Tháinig sí chun na scoile san idirbhliain agus d’eirigh go hiontach léi ar a taithí oibre. Ní bheimid mar an gcéanna mar scoil-phobail gan í ach déanfaimid gach iarracht a meangadh gáire a choimeád inár gcuimhne agus a dearfacht anseo linn d’ár gcoimeád sa tsiúil. Beannacht Dé ort Táilliúir agus go mbeadh leaba i measc na Naoimh anois agat.
It is with a very heavy heart that we bid farewell to our wonderful past pupil, Táilliúir, who left this world last Saturday, January 27th. Táilliúir had just nineteen years of life among us and has left us at far too young an age, at a time as Fr. Roderick said at her funeral mass when she should just be entering the blossoming of her life.
Táilliúir came to us a Junior Infant in 2002 and her infectious smile lit up the school immediately. She quickly made close friends and remained loyal to them. She took an energetic part in everything that went on in the school and as her teachers described would try everything. She was particularly good at looking out for and helping younger children in the school and was always mannerly, fun-loving and helpful to all staff members.
She had a great interest in art in class and of course later in her make-up and style. She also played football and camogie in order to be fully involved with her class and school teams.
We will hugely miss Táilliúir. We stand in full support with her Dad Declan and her Mum Aisling. We share the grief of her brothers Kevin and Shane and of course we will support her loving sister Ellie who is still with us in fourth class. Her Grandad Des is a regular visitor to the school and we extend our sympathy to him and Táilliúr’s grandmother Catherine as well as her other grandparents, Paddy and Marie Ryder, to her aunts and uncles and all her extended family. Táilliúir has four first cousins in our school and an equally large group of cousins who are past-pupils.
Táilliúir had a large group of friends, many of them her former classmates from Gaelscoil Osraí. We send them our sympathy and support and we wish them the strength of health and hope at this difficult time.
Finally Táilliúir was always loyal to our school and her native language. She came to us on her transition year work experience and got on brilliantly here. We will not be the same as a school community as a result of her loss but we will do our level best to keep her wonderful smile in our memory and to reflect her positive attitude in what we do. God rest you Táilliúir and may you sleep soundly among the saints in heaven.
Nuachtlitir Tús na Bliana/New School Year Newsletter
Nuachtlitir Tús na Bliana 2017/2018
Fáilte chroíúil ar ais ar scoil gach éinne agus failte speisialta roimh ár gcaoga ceathar naíonáin beaga nua. Tá 442 páiste linn i mbliana agus táimid ag súil le bliain iontach foghlama, spraoi agus iontaisí an tsaoil. Beimid ag súil le bheith ag comhoibriú libh mar thuismitheoirí chun go mbeidh suaimhneas agus sonas ag ár bpáistí agus go réiteofar aon fhadhb chomh tapaidh agus i slí chomh éifeachtach agus gur féidir linn le chéile. Cuirimid in iúil duit go bhfuil sé fíor-thábhactach labhairt le múinteoir agus an scoil nuair go bhfuil buairt ort faoi aon rud a bhaineann le do pháiste agus gan ligint do rud leanúint ar aghaidh. Formhór an ama is leor nóta i ndialann obair bhaile ach má tá fáth agat labhairt leis an múinteoir, cur glaoch ar an oifig le’d thoil ag 056 7765697 chun cruinniú a lorg nó cur ephoist go runai@osrai.com Is fearr gan ceisteanna móra a árdú le múinteoir ghnóthach roimh nó díreach an lae scoile nuair go bhfuil siad ghnóthach le do pháiste agus páistí eile.
You are hugely welcome back to a brand new school year where we all start afresh and hopefully refreshed after our summer break. A particular welcome to our 54 new Junior Infants in Múinteoir Ruth and Jennifer’s classes. We have 442 children this year and look forward to a wonderful year of learning, play and the wonders and surprises of life. We look forward to working together with you as parents to ensure your child’s wellbeing and happiness and also to finding a way to deal with any occasional problems that may arise as quickly and effectively as we all would like. We remind you therefore, that a problem brought to our attention quickly is always the easiest one to solve. A quick note in your child’s homework diary (they’re coming soon!) is normally enough but if you feel you need to speak to a teacher, please contact Eileen in the office on 056 7765697 or email runai@osrai.com to arrange an appointment. It’s always much better not to ‘doorstep’ a teacher with an issue of concern when they are busy with children in the morning or at the end of the school day.
Laethanta Saoire na Bliana
Seo a leanas na laethanta saoire i rith na bliana. Here are the holiday arrangements for the year to help you plan the escapes! Please try to limit the time your child misses in school outside of these times and please make a special effort to be on time in the morning J
Tá sonruithe oscailte na scoile ar fad ar ár suíomh idirlíon ag http://www.osrai.com/feilire-events-calendar/
All the details of our school openings and closures for the 2017-2018 school year are on our school website at http://www.osrai.com/feilire-events-calendar/
Here are most of the important dates for the next school year 2017/2018.
31ú Lúnasa: Tús na Scoilbliana
30ú Deireadh Fomhair-3ú Samhain: Briseadh na Samhna/November Break
22ú Nollaig: Leathlá do saoire na Nollag
8ú Eanair 2018: Ar ais ar scoil don bliain nua
15ú agus 16ú Feabhra 2018: Briseadh an Earraigh.
19ú Márta: Lá Saoire Poiblí Lá le Pádraig
23ú Márta: Leath lá do saoire na Cásca
9ú Aibreán: Ar ais ar scoil taréis na Cásca
7ú-11ú Bealtaine: Briseadh Bealtaine.
29ú Meitheamh: Deireadh na Scoilbliana.
Bille Scoile
Tá bille scoile na bliana seo coimeádta againn díreach mar a bhí anuraidh ach amháin le hardú beag do na naíonáin beaga. Iarraimid ort an bille a íoc chomh luath agus is féidir agus beidh tarrac againn arís d’aon tuismitheoir atá íoctha go hiomlán roimh deireadh mí Mheán Fomhair.
The school contribution for your child has been kept at the same level as last year except for a small increase in the Junior Infant bill. Please remember this amount covers essential costs in the school including 24-hour insurance for your child, inside and outside of school, the book rental scheme in the senior classes and the costs of the extra tuition in sports, yoga, dance and swimming which our parents have always valued. You can pay your contribution now by clicking on the ‘Pay Now’ tab at www.osrai.com and entering the email address you use to receive school emails. All children whose bill is fully paid by the end of October will enter a draw to receive a full refund of the bille.
Lón Sláintiúil-Buíochas don dtacaíocht
Cuirimid in iúil duit féachaint ar na treoirlínte atá curtha amach againn faoin lón sláintiúil sa scoil.
We remind you to look again over our Healthy Lunches policy on the link below. Our policy is designed to make life easier for you as parents in choosing the healthy option for your child in their school nutrition every day and to help us have a consistent set of rules for all our children. Please ensure also that in-keeping with our Green School policy that your child brings their food and drinks in reusable containers and that we avoid tin foil, cling-film and all other unnecessary packaging in their lunch boxes and it would be great if you could teach them how to rinse out yoghurt cartons, milk cartons etc before they are recycled in school.
Club Obair Bhaile
Beidh an club obair bhaile ag tosú ar an luan seo chugainn, an 11ú Meán Fomhair le Múinteoirí Tanya agus Méabh. Tá nótaí imithe abhaile le páistí go bhfuil suim acu a bheith páirteach agus bíonn an-éileamh ar seo i gcónaí. Seol an nóta ar ais chomh tapaidh agus gur féidir.
Beidh club obair bhaile an Clár um Chríochnú Scoile ag tosú ar an 18ú. Tar i dteangmháil linn má cheapann tú go bhfuil tú i dteideal an seirbhís seo a úsáid.
Múinteoir Tanya and Méabh will again provide an after school homework club service from Monday to Thursday for an hour after school. Places are now being allocated so we ask you to return the forms as quickly as possible to reserve a place.
The free club provided by the School Completion Programme will begin at the same times on Monday the 18th and if you think you are entitled to a place on the scheme, please let us know.
Ranganna Gaeilge
Beidh ranganna Gaeilge do thuismitheoirí ar siúl sa scoil ag tosú le ar an Máirt an 19ú Meán Fomhair má tá go leor éileamh ann. Is €30 le haghaidh ocht seachtain an táille agus is Múinteoir Ivan arís atá chun na ranganna a rith. Beidh fáilte roimh tosaitheoirí agus feabhsathóirí agus má tá suim agat cur glaoch ar Eibhlín san oifig nó seol ephoist go ivan@osrai.com le d’ainm agus uimhir teangmhála.
If you want to get your Gaeilge back up and running, Múinteoir Ivan will be teaching classes for parents in the school this term, starting on Tuesday the 20th September if there is sufficient demand. The cost is just €30 for eight weeks and beginners and improvers are welcome. If you would like to take part call Eileen in the office or email ivan@osrai.com with your name and contact number.
Playball ar ais
The Playball company begin again on Thursday 21st Sept. The cost is €65 for ten weeks of this after-school sports service for children from Naíonáin Bheaga to Rang a 4. You can get more information at www.playballsoutheast.ie
Rince Ghaelach
Tosóidh rinnce gaelach ag Múinteoir Evelyn an Luan seo chugainn agus beidh sí ag cur ranganna i ndiaidh am scoile ar fáil dóibh siúd go dteastaíonn sé uathu chomh maith.
Our class Irish dancing classes begin again on Monday next and Múinteoir Evelyn will also provide classes after school on Monday also.
Peil Ghaelach
Beidh tréanail do pheil ghaelach na mbuachaillí agus cailíní ag tosú ar an Luan seo chugainn i ndiaidh am scoile óna 3.00 go 4.30 pm. Tá failte roimh gach páiste ó Rang a 4-6 a bheith bainte leis. Bí cinnte go bhfuil bróga peile, brístí ghearra agus cosantóir fiacla ag do pháiste. Beidh na buachaillí ag tréanáil i nGort na Learóige (páirc Séamus Stiofáin) agus na cailíní ar pháirc nua astro na scoile.
The Cumann na mBunscoil football season starts immediately with training for our boys and girls teams starting next Monday afternoon from 3-4.30 pm in Larchfield (James Stephens pitch)for the boys and on the school Astro pitch for the girls. All children from 4th to 6th class are welcome to come along and please ensure your child has shorts, football boots or runners and most importantly mouth guards to protect their teeth which are now compulsory.
Páirc an Chrócaigh
Comhgáirdeachas mhór do Jack Aighlmear, R a 6 na bliana seo chaite, a d’imir peil i bPáirc an Chrócaigh roimh chluiche leath-cheannais na hÉireann idir Átha Cliath agus Tír Eoghain. Bhí Jack an-sásta go raibh geansaí Átha Cliath á chaitheamh aige agus níos sásta gur scóráil sé cúl ós comhair na Dubs ar Chnoc 16. Beidh lá mór eile ag Freya Hardy Petit den Mange a bheidh ag imirt roimh craobh peile ne hÉireann idir Áth Cliath agus Maigh Eo.
A huge congratulations to Jack Aighlmear, sixth class pupil from last year who represented our school in the Cumann na mBunscoil football game before the All Ireland semi-final between Dublin and Tyrone. Jack was delighted to wear the sky blue of Dublin and better again to score a goal in front of the Hill 16 supporters. We are delighted also that Jack’s classmate Freya Hardy Petit de Mange will represent the school before the All Ireland final between Dublin and Mayo on Sept. 17th.
Camógaíocht-Cill Chainnigh Abú
Guímid gach rath ar imreoirí chamógaíochta an chontae ar an Domhnach an 10ú lá Meán Fomhair, go háirithe Laura Ní Mhurchú ar phainéal sinsir Chill Chainnigh. We wish the Kilkenny camogie senior team the very best in Sunday week’s All Ireland final, particularly past pupil Laura Ní Mhurchú on the senior panel.
Craobh faoi 21
Comhgáirdeachas agus go neirí ádh le Huw Ó Leathlobhair, iar-scoláire na scoile, a d’imir i lár páirce ar fhoireann faoi 21 Chill Chainnigh i leath-chraobh na hÉireann san iomáint agus go n-eirí leis sa chraobh seachtain ón Sathairn i gcoinne na Gaillimhe.
Congratulations and best of luck to Huw Lawlor, past pupil, who starred at midfield in Kilkenny’s U-21 semi-final victory over Derry and best of luck to him in next week’s final against Galway. Commiserations to past pupils Niall Ó Breasaíl, Conchubhair Ó Floinn agus Lúcás Ó Murchú who lost out in the Minor championship and of course to school parent Pat O’ Grady who managed the team. Beidh lá eile!
Ceol agus canadh
Beidh cór na scoile faoi stiúir Múinteoirí Ruth agus Rós an-ghnóthach ar fad i mbliana. Beidh siad ag glacadh páirt i gceolchoirm Peace Proms na hÉireann agus i bhFéile Cheoil Chill Chainnigh san Earrach agus tá súil againn go mbeidh ceolchoirm na Gaelscoile ar siúl arís sa Watergate timpeall an am chéanna. Tosóidh an chleachtadh chóir ag am loin ar an Luan seo chugainn agus iarraimid ort do pháiste a spreagadh chun a bheith páirteach.
Mar an gcéanna le Grúpa Cheoil na Scoile, an bhféadfá do pháiste a mholadh chun a bheith páirteach. Tá súil againn leanúint ar aghaidh le ranganna fidil agus tosú le ranganna bosca cheoil go luath. Ba bhreá linn dá mbeadh an ghrúpa cheoil lán go barra i mbliana le buachaillí agus cailíní faoi stiúir Múinteoirí Fiona, Neasa agus Proinnsiasa.
Our school choir are due to have a very busy year, taking part in the All Ireland Peace Proms choir and Kilkenny Music Festival in the spring and also in our biannual Gala concert in the Watergate Theatre around the same time. Choir practice begins next Monday at lunch time and we ask you to urge your child to take part. Múinteoir Ruth and Rós will be in charge of the choir while Múinteoirí Fiona, Neasa and Proinnsiasa will be taking the school’s traditional music group.
We also hope to have our fiddle classes continuing and to start accordion classes in the near future. Of course singing and music continue in each classroom too and remember to have the feadóg stáin in the bag at all times. Here’s to a music-filled year!
Nuachtlitir an tSamhraidh/Summer Newsletter
Nuachtlitir Deireadh na Bliana 2017.
Tá deireadh na scoil-bliana buailte linn arís agus sinne ar fad ag súil le briseadh deas le haimsire maith le cúnamh Dé. Is deis í seo dúinn ar fad scíth a ligint agus am a chaitheamh le chéile lenár gclanna ag déanamh rudaí deasa. Tá a fhios againn go mbeidh roinnt imeachtaí ar siúl ag na páistí agus molaimid go mór campaí samhraidh Cul Camps an Chumann Lúthcleas Gael, cinn sacair an FAI, rugbaí an IRFU agus campa Parks Tennis go haitiúil.
An méid sin ráite, tá an tuafás le déanamh saor in aisce agus molaimid go láidir dúshlán léitheoireachta an tsamhraidh i leabharlann Loch Buí. Níl aon rud níos fearr le déanamh le do pháiste ná léitheoireacht a spreagadh i rith an tsamhraidh. Ná déan dearmad chomh maith cluichí mata, mireanna mearaí 7rl a thabhairt dóibh ar lá fluiuch nó maith. Píosa chomhairle an-mhaith ag John Creedon ar an raidio ag an deireadh seachtain ná na scáileáin sa ghluaisteán a chaitheamh amach agus tír eolas na tíre a cheiliúradh agus caint deas a bheith againn lenár bpáistí.
Thar aon rud eile bímis sábhálta thar an tsamhraidh. Bí cúramach in aice na farraige nó abhainn agus go háirithe ar an bhfeirm má táimid ann. Beimíd ag súil le gach éinne a fheiscint ar ais linn ag 9.10 am ar an Déardaoin an 31ú Lúnasa.
The end of the school year has reached us again and we have had a wonderful year with many achievements and learning experiences for our children. Hopefully, whether with the hoped for bright sunshine or more normal Irish weather, we will all have a chance to relax and enjoy the many pleasurable activities we can have as families with quality time spent together, either at home or on holidays. We know many of you will avail of organised activities during the holidays and as always we encourage you to take part in the GAA Cúl Camps, FAI soccer camps, IRFU rugby camps and the excellent value Parks Tennis Camp among the dozens of choices locally.
More importantly however are all the things you can do for free. We particularly ask you to consider the Summer Reading challenge in Loughboy library which encourages our children to read. (don’t forget the leabhair Ghaeilge chomh maith!) Don’t forget also the chance to get children to engage in Maths learning through Sudoku and other maths games and even encouraging them to check and develop their skills with money and time. One lovely piece of advice from John Creedon over the weekend was to ditch the screens in the car and talk to our children about the countryside around them as we drive to help their geography and history learning.
Most importantly, we wish everybody a safe holiday. Please be particularly careful around water, either at the beach or lake or river. Please also take care on the farm around machinery and animals where we can have great fun with a little bit of care. We really look forward to seeing all our pupils returning safe and sound at 9.10 am on Thursday August the 31st.
Féilire na Scoile
Tá sonruithe oscailte na scoile ar fad ar ár suíomh idirlíon ag http://www.osrai.com/feilire-events-calendar/
All the details of our school openings and closures for the 2017-2018 school year are on our school website at http://www.osrai.com/feilire-events-calendar/
Seo chugaibh na príomh-dátaí arís a chuireamar amach i mí Feabhra. Here are the important dates we sent you in February. Please print off the colour calendar attached to email and put on the fridge.
Beimid ag filleadh ar scoil ar an Déardaoin an 31ú Lúnasa agus beidh seachtain saor againn ag tús mí Bealtaine 2018. Seo iad na dátaí tábhactacha.
Here are most of the important dates for the next school year 2017/2018.
31ú Lúnasa: Tús na Scoilbliana
30ú Deireadh Fomhair-3ú Samhain: Briseadh na Samhna/November Break
22ú Nollaig: Leathlá do saoire na Nollag
8ú Eanair 2018: Ar ais ar scoil don bliain nua
15ú agus 16ú Feabhra 2018: Briseadh an Earraigh.
19ú Márta: Lá Saoire Poiblí Lá le Pádraig
23ú Márta: Leath lá do saoire na Cásca
9ú Aibreán: Ar ais ar scoil taréis na Cásca
7ú-11ú Bealtaine: Briseadh Bealtaine.
29ú Meitheamh: Deireadh na Scoilbliana.
Ranganna 2017-2018
Seo mar a leanas na ranganna agus na múinteoirí a bhaineas leo do 2017-2018
Ranganna 2017-2018
Naíonáin Bheaga 1 | Múinteoir Jennifer |
Naíonáin Bheaga 2 | Múinteoir Ruth |
Naíonáin Mhóra (Jennifer) | Múinteoir Áine |
Naíonáin Mhóra (Maria Bríd) | Múinteoirí Deirdre/Síle |
Rang a hAon (Áine) | Múinteoirí Michelle/Liselott |
Rang a hAon (Deirdre/Síle) | Múinteoir Ivan |
Rang a Dó (Michelle/Liselott) | Múinteoir Maria D |
Rang a Dó (Ivan) | Múinteoir Máire Ruth |
Rang a Trí (Máire Ruth) | Múinteoir Colette |
Rang a Trí (Maria D) | Múinteoirí Fiona/Dearbhail |
Rang a Ceathar (Colette) | Múinteoir Brian |
Rang a Ceathar (Maria D/Neasa) | Múinteoir Maria Bríd |
Rang a Cúig (Deirdre Maria) | Múinteoir Méabh F |
Rang a Cúig (Rós) | Múinteoirí Neasa/Maria |
Rang a Sé (Méabh F) | Múinteoir Nioclás |
Rang a Sé (Brian) | Múinteoir Rós |
Tacaíocht Foghlama 1 | Múinteoir Siobhán |
Tacaíocht Foghlama 2 | Múinteoir Méabh C |
Tacaíocht Foghlama 3 | Múinteoir Proinnsiasa |
Tacaíocht Foghlama 4 | Múinteoir Tanya |
Tacaíocht Foghlama 5 | Múinteoir Deirdre Maria |
Leabhar Liostaí/Book Lists
Beidh na leabhar-liostaí ar fáil ó inniu ar aghaidh ins na siopaí leabhair Jones Business Systems agus Eason’s go háitiúil. Chomh maith le sin, beidh siad ar fáil ar suíomh idirlíon na scoile.
The updated booklists for 2017-2018 will be available from today at the local book suppliers, Jones Business Systems in Loughboy and Eason’s in MacDonagh Junction. The lists will also be available on http://www.osrai.com/leabhar-liostai-book-lists/
Bille Scoile
Tá an-iarracht déanta ag daoine arís i mbliana a chuid a íoc chun costaisí scoile do pháiste a chlúdú. Mar is eol duit, clúdaíonn an bille costas árachais 24/7 i gcomhair do pháiste, laistigh agus lasmuigh den scoil, costaisí na hábhair seachtracha a déantar sa scoil, an snámh, an rinnce agus gleacaíocht ina measc. Tá seans fós ag daoine nár íoc an bille iomlán pé méid gur féidir leat a íoc ar líne ach brú ar an gcnaipe Pay Now ar www.osrai.com Beidh orainn féachaint an bhliain seo chugainn an féidir linn leanúint le leabhair scoile a thabhairt ar chíos do dhaoine nach n-íocann astu.
Most of you have made great efforts to make a contribution towards your child’s school costs through the Bille Scoile. As you know the bille covers the cost of 24/7 insurance for your child, inside and outside of school, the costs of extra subjects covered including swimming, dancing and gymnastics and of course the major savings you make by renting rather than buying books in the middle and senior classes. We would appreciate any contribution you can make and you can pay online by using the Pay Now button on www.osrai.com We will unfortunately have to review the book rental scheme in September for those who make no contribution.
Táimid fíor-bhuíoch de bhur dtacaíocht an téarma seo i dtaobh chúrsaí Ghaeilge de. Le do thoil an féidir a threisiú le do pháiste thar an samhradh go bhfuil Riail na Gaeilge mar an riail is tabhachtaí inár scoilne agus gurb í an fáth gur phioc sibh ár scoilne sa chéad áit? Ní chuirfear suas le páistí nach bhfuil sásta Gaeilge a labhairt an t-am ar fad i dtimpeallacht na scoile agus mar chuid d’aon imeachtaí a bhaineann leis an scoil. Is féidir leat mar thuismitheoir cabhrú tríd an Ghaeilge a spreagadh sa bhaile trí TG4 agus Raidio na Gaeltachta a roghnú, trí leabhair Ghaeilge a cheannach nó a fháil ón leabharlann agus dár ndóigh trí pé Gaeilge atá agat a labhairt le’d pháiste. Cad faoi chóisireacha breithlá a bheith go hiomlán tré Ghaeilge, mar shampla?!
We are most grateful for your support in terms of the use of Irish by your child. Can you please reinforce over the holidays the face that Riail na Gaeilge is the most important rule of our school and is the reason why you chose our school with its special language ethos in the first place. We will not tolerate children who persist in refusing to speak the language at all times in our school or on school activities. As a parent you can help over the summer by choosing and encouraging your child to chose TG4 and Raidio na Gaeltachta as options (again in the gluaisteán on long journeys is ideal), buying or borrowing leabhair Ghaeilge from the library and of course speaking whatever bit of Gaeilge you have to your children. If you’re near a Gaeltacht area, do take the chance to use the cúpla focail and another suggestion we’ve made before is to organise a birthday or other party trí Ghaeilge ar fad.
Páirc Nua
Tá ár bpáirc uile-aimsire beagnach réidh go hiomlán anois chun úsáid. Táimid fíor-bhuíoch do Mhúinteoir Michelle agus Séamus agus Margaret Greene don dea-obair ar fad. Chomh maith le sin, fuaireamar cabhair iontach ó Eamon Kealy, fear chéile Múinteoir Dearbhail a thug a thaithí ghairmiúil ar chúrsaí páirce go flaithiúil dúinn. Beidh an páirc ar fáil go hiomlán do na paistí i mí Meán Fomhair agus táimid ag súil le hoscailt oifigiúil a bheith againn sa bhfómhar. Beidh an páirc ar fáil do ghrúpaí gur maith leo é a thógaint ar chíos sa bhfómhar chomh maith.
Our new Astroturf, all-weather pitch is almost ready for full use and our classes have been getting their first introduction to it this week. We are hugely thankful to Múinteoir Michelle and Séamus and Margaret Greene for all their hard work in bringing this project to fruition as well as Eamon Kealy, husband of Múinteoir Dearbhail for his expertise throughout the project. We acknowledge also the assistance of a major grant from the Department of Sport and our partners Clara GAA club, particularly David Shortall for their co-operation. The pitches will be in full use by the children and available for hire from September onwards.
Lá Spoirt
Bhí lá spoirt den scoth againn i bPáirc Séamus Stiofáin, Gort na Learóige, le déanaí. Táimid fíor-bhuíoch do Mhúinteoir Michelle agus an Coiste Scoil Ghníomhach don obair ar fad ar an lá.
We had a wonderful sports day in James Stephen’s Larchfield pitch last week. Thanks to Muinteoir Michelle and our Active School Committee for all their hard work on the day.
Seó Talainn agus Bosca!
Bhí seó talainn den scoth againn an Aoine seo chaite. Taréis chomórtas iontach i ngach rang, piocadh duine nó ghrúpa amháin ó gach rang chun páirt a ghlacadh sa chomórtas scoile san halla. Bhí an-lá idir aithriseoireacht, rinnce, canadh agus greann ann agus b’iad Saoirse Ní Ghadhra agus Niamh Ní Mhuirí, Rang a Sé, a bhuaigh an chomórtas. Comhgáirdeachas do gach éinne a ghlac pairt agus buíochas do Mhúinteoir Ruth don smaoineamh agus don obair go léir.
Guímid gach rath ar Shaoirse agus ar Fionn Ó Duibhir a bheidh san iomaíocht thar cheann Chill Chainnigh i bhFleadh Cheoil Laighin i mí Iúil. Ghlac Fionn le bosca cheoil álainn nua a bhronn Nioclás Dunphy, Cathaoirleach Chomhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Chill Chainnigh orainn an tseachtain seo mar aitheantas d’úsáid ár scoilne don bhFleadh anuraidh.
We had a wonderful School talent show in the halla last Friday which was the culmination of competitions in all our classes with one act from each class competing in the final. It was a wonderful day of acting, singing, dancing and instrumental performances and the winners on the day were Saoirse and Niamh from Rang a 6. Thanks to Múinteoir Ruth and her hardworking judges, Múinteoir Siobhán and Claire Kilkenny for their hard work in putting the show together.
We also wish Saoirse and Fionn Ó Duibhir the best of luck in the Leinster Fleadh Cheoil where they will represent Kilkenny in the singing and accordion competitions. Fionn accepted a lovely new accordion on behalf of the school from county chair of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, Nicholas Dunphy, presented to the school in thanks for the use of our building for last year’s Fleadh Laighin. Local accordion teacher Derek Morrissey will be teaching the ‘box’ in September to any children interested in taking part while fiddle classes will continue with Anthony McAuley along with feadóg stáin across all classes. Please encourage your children to join our grúpa cheoil and of course our school choir, both of which have been so successful in recent years.
Comhgáirdeachas mhór do Mhúinteoir Maria Bríd agus Nioclás as ucht bhreith Déaglán, a bhuachaillín deas rua nua, deartháir to Frank. Comhgáirdeachas chomh maith do Mhúinteoir Deirdre Maria agus a chéile Kevin a rugadh cailín álainn, Clodagh, dóibh cúpla seachtain ó shin. Bhí ócáid mhór ag Múinteoir Méabh Ní Fhloinn chomh maith nuair a phós sí féin agus a ghrá-gheal Pádraig i mí Bealtaine. Guímid saol fada, sona acu le chéile agus mí na meala den scoth.
We warmly congratulate Múinteoirí Maria Bríd and Nioclás who welcomed their second son Declan last week, a brother for the smiling Frank. Múinteoir Deirdre Maria and husband Kevin also welcomed their first cailín, Clodagh in recent weeks, a sister for Odhrán. Múinteoir Méabh F had a huge occasion in May when she married sweetheart Pádraig. We wish them a long and happy life together and a great honeymoon!
Táimid thar a bheith buíoch do na daoine ar fad a dhéanann obair deonach thar cheann na scoile tríd an bhliain. Do Cháit Ní Mhurchú, Cathaoirleach an Bhoird Bainistíochta agus na baill eile Múinteoir Nioclás, Cathnia Ó Muircheartaigh, Liam Ó Maoldomhnaigh, Caroline Clifford, Máire Ní Mhóráin agus John Grace, táimid fíor-bhuíoch daoibh ar fad de bhúr saothar in aisce dúinn.
Do Éimear Lee agus ár gcoiste iontach na dtuismitheoirí, ár mbuíochas chomh maith agus dár ndóigh don gCoiste Rith Beo a d’eirigh leo níos mó ná €7,000 a bhailiú arís i mbliana d’ár leabharlann nua agus ócáid fíor-taitneamhach a thaispeáin spoioraid ár scoilne i ngach slí, go raibh míle maith agaibh.
We are hugely thankful to all our volunteers who give so freely of their time during the year. To our Board of Management in particular, a huge thanks to Cathaoirleach Cáit Ní Mhurchú, Múinteoir Nioclás, Cathnia Ó Muircheartaigh. Liam Moloney, Caroline Clifford, Máire Ní Mhóráin and of course Treasurer John Grace we hugely appreciate all your time given so freely for the smooth running of our school.
To Eimear Lee as chair and all our Parents Association volunteers and of course our energetic Rith Beo committee who managed to raise more than €7,000 again this year towards our wonderful new library which will open in September we extend our gratitude too. Rith Beo 2017 saw our biggest ever number of entrants and we thank Affidea Ireland, Guiney’s Kilkenny and Petmania as our main sponsors and all our other sponsors for their support.
We also thank all the members of our Health Promoting School, Active School, School Garden, Music and Green Schools committees who give us their time and expertise. Feel free to take away fruit and veg from Gairdín na Scoile over the summer if you’re passing by!
Bua Spoirt
Comhgáirdeachas mhór dár Rang a Dó a bhuaigh craobh na cathrach nuair a bhuadar ar scoil Naomh Chainnigh i bPáirc Uí Nualláin cúpla seachtain ó shin. Do dhein Múinteoirí Maria agus Máire Ruth sár-jab leo agus bhí na páistí go hiontach ar an lá. Maith sibh do na páistí eile ó Rang a 3 go 6 a ghlac páirt chomh maith. Comhgáirdeachas dár bhfoireann iomána a thaisteal go Uarán Mhóir na Gaillimhe agus a bhuaigh Corn Kyle Mhic Bhrain i gcoinne Gaelscoileanna ó chúige Chonnacht, na Mumhan agus Laighean don gceathrú uair coicís ó shin agus míle buíochas do Mhúinteoir Brian a bhí leo ar an lá agus Múinteoir Nioclás a thug an méid sin chabhair dóibh i rith na bliana.
Roghnaíodh mar imreoir A na bliana Shane Ó Glinn agus imreoir B na bliana, Liam Ó hÚallacháin, a bhfuair a chuid duaiseanna ag an tionól ar an Máirt. Ba Rós Ní Cheallaigh, Rang a 6, a bhuaigh duais imreoir na bliana sa chamógaíocht. Buíochas do Mhúinteoirí Ivan agus Siobhán don dea-obair leis an bhfoireann chamógaíochta i mbliana.
Comhgáirdeachas speisialta le Jack Aighlmear a bheidh ag imirt i gcluiche Chumann na mBunscoil le linn leath-chraobh peile na hÉireann i bPáirc an Chrócaigh agus go Freya Hardy Petit de Mange a bheidh ag imirt sa chluiche leath-ama le linn Chraobh Peile na hÉireann i mí Meán Fomhair ann chomh maith.
Congratulations to Rang a Dó who had a wonderful win over St. Canice’s school to claim the city second class title in Nowlan Park in recent weeks. Well done to Múinteoirí Maria and Máire Ruth who did a great job preparing them for the occasion. Well done also to all the children form Rang a 3 to 6 who took part in the city leagues and got great enjoyment out of the clashes with our local rivals!
A huge well done to our senior hurling team who won the Kyle Mac Bhrain tournament organised by Gaelscoil de hÍde in Oranmore, Co. Galway for the fourth time two weeks ago. They were in competition with Gaelscoileanna from Munster, Leinster and of course Connacht. Thanks to Múinteoir Brian for his coaching on the day and to Muinteoir Nioclás for his work with the team during the year also.
Shane from Rang a 6 and Liam from Rang a 5 were chosen as the A and B players of the year and accepted their trophies at tionól on Tuesday. Rós from Rang a 6 was presented with the camogie player of the year award also and we are hugely thankful to Múinteoir Siobhán and Ivan for their unstinting work with the girls this year.
Finally, was are delighted that Jack from Rang a 6 will represent our school and the county in the half time Cumann na mBunscoil game at the All Ireland football semi-final in August while Freya will get to play in the game at the All-Ireland football final in September.
Coláiste Pobail Osraí
Tá Coláiste Pobail Osraí ag ceiliúradh 25 Bliain ar an bhfód an bhliain seo agus beidh ócáid mhór acu in Óstán Langton’s ar an Déardaoin, an 26ú Deireadh Fomhair. Beidh fáilte roimh iar-scoláirí, tuismitheoirí agus cairde na scoile ar an oíche.
Chomh maith le sin, tá an scoil ag súil go mór le tógáil na scoile nua in Iarthar na Cathrach go luath. Tá grúpa maith scoláirí ónár scoilne ag dul ar aghaidh go dtí an Choláiste i mí Meán Fomhair agus tá sé i gceist againn cruinniú eolais a bheith againn sa Ghaelscoil do thuismitheoir Rang 1 4-6 ag tús mí Meán Fomhair chun buntáistí an oideachais dara leibhéal lán-Ghaelach agus pleananna don scoil nua a phlé. Bí cinnte go bhfuil an Choláiste san áireamh agaibh agus sibh ag féachaint ar rogha na blianta romhainn.
Coláiste Pobail Osraí will celebrate 25 years of wonderful education trí Ghaeilge at a major function in Langton’s Hotel on Thursday 26th October and all past students, parents and friends of the school are welcome. Of course the school, which was founded by parents of our first Rang a 6 in Gaelscoil Osraí to ensure their children could continue their education in the Irish language, is also looking forward to its brand new, state of the art independent and stand-alone school, with the best of sporting and other learning facilities in the West of Kilkenny city in the next few years. We will host a meeting of all parents from Rang a 4 to Rang a 6 in early September to outline the advantages of continuing bilingual education in this award-winning school and we urge you to encourage your children to actively consider the Coláiste, with its fantastic track record of academic, sporting and personal achievement when thinking about their choices in the coming years.
Slán Abhaile
Ag an deireadh, guímid samhradh iontach oraibh ar fad. Míle buíochas dár múinteoirí, cúntóirí, rúnaithe Eileen agus Siobhán, glantóirí Bernie agus Gerry, ár gcabhraitheoir speisialta Emma agus coimeádaí iontach Frankie.
We wish you all a wonderful summer and thanks to all our teachers, Special Needs Assistant Mags and Rita, our secretaries Eileen and Siobhán, our cleaners Bernie and Gerry, our special staff member Emma and of course our wonderful caretaker Frankie.
I’ll sign off with inspiring words from the wonderful Principal of St. Louis Senior Primary school, Rathmines, Pádraic Carney, who tragically lost his life while cycling to school last week. We offer our condolences to his family and colleagues but will take inspiration from his greeting to students on his school website last September. Suaimhneas na síoraí agat Pádraic and may your passing give us all a sense of perspective and an appreciation of the importance of living for the moment.
“There is a lot to be grateful for and much to look forward to. I ask that all our pupils do their very best in every aspect of school life. Remember that ‘doing your best is more important than being the best’ If you do your best in everything there is no more I can ask.”
Bíodh samhradh álainn againn ar fad.
Máistir Seán
Nuachtlitir Tús na Bliana/Beginning of Year Newsletter
Nuachtlitir Tús na Bliana 2016/2017
Fáilte chroíúil ar ais ar scoil gach éinne agus failte speisialta roimh ár gcaoga seacht naíonáin beaga nua. Tá 434 páiste linn i mbliana agus táimid ag súil le bliain iontach foghlama, spraoi agus iontaisí an tsaoil. Beimid ag súil le bheith ag comhoibriú libh mar thuismitheoirí chun go mbeidh suaimhneas agus sonas ag ár bpáistí agus go réiteofar aon fhadhb chomh tapaidh agus chomh i slí éifeachtach agus gur féidir linn le chéile. Cuirimid in iúil duit go bhfuil sé fíor-thábhactach labhairt le múinteoir agus an scoil nuair go bhfuil buairt ort faoi aon rud a bhaineann le do pháiste agus gan ligint do rud leanúint ar aghaidh. Formhór an ama is leor nóta i ndialann obair bhaile ach má tá fáth agat labhairt leis an múinteoir, cur glaoch ar an oifig le’d thoil ag 056 7765697 chun cruinniú a lorg nó cur ephoist go runai@osrai.com Is fearr gan ceisteanna móra a árdú le múinteoir ghnóthach roimh nó díreach an lae scoile nuair go bhfuil siad ghnóthach le do pháiste agus páistí eile.
You are hugely welcome back to a brand new school year where we all start afresh and hopefully refreshed after our summer break. A particular welcome to our 57 new Junior Infants in Múinteoir Maria Bríd and Jennifer’s classes. We have 434 children this year and look forward to a wonderful year of learning, play and the wonders and surprises of life. We look forward to working together with you as parents to ensure your child’s wellbeing and happiness and also to finding a way to deal with any occasional problems that may arise as quickly and effectively as we all would like. We remind you, therefore that a problem brought to our attention quickly is always the easiest one to solve. A quick note in your child’s homework diary (they’re coming soon!) is normally enough but if you feel you need to speak to a teacher, please contact Eileen in the office on 056 7765697 or email runai@osrai.com to arrange an appointment. It’s always much better not to ‘doorstep’ a teacher with an issue of concern when they are busy with children in the morning or at the end of the school day.
Laethanta Saoire na Bliana
Seo a leanas na laethanta saoire i rith na bliana. Here are the holiday arrangements for the year to help you plan the escapes! Please try to limit the time your child misses in school outside of these times and please make a special effort too to be on time in the morning J
Briseadh na Samhna/Hallowe’en Break
Dúnta Dé Luan 31 D. F. go dtí Aoine 4 Samhain (san áireamh). Closed from Monday 31st October to Friday 4th November inclusive.
Nollaig: leathlá ar an Déardaoin 22 Nollaig/ Half day on Thursday 22nd December
Scoil ar oscailt arís ar an Luan 9 Eanair/ School reopens on Monday 9th January.
Seachtain saor i mí Feabhra- dúnta 20 go dtí 24 Feabhra/ Mid Term Break for week of 20th to 24th February inclusive.
Cáisc: leath lá ar an Aoine 7 Aibreán/ Easter break half day on Friday 7th April
Scoil ar oscailt arís Luan 24 Aibreán/ School reopens on Monday 24th April
Lá saoire bainc/ Bank Holiday 1 Bealtaine/May 1st.
La saoire bainc/Bank Holiday 5 Meitheamh/5th June
Laethanta saoire an tSamhraidh: leathlá ar an Aoine 30 Meitheamh
Half day closing for Summer Holidays on Friday 30th June 2017.
Slán le Gráinne
Tá an-bhrón orainn go ndúramar slán le Múinteoir Gráinne Ní Chinnéide i rith an tsamhraidh. Tá post faighte ag Gráinne i nGaelscoil Átha Í, áit a bhfuil sí féin, a fear chéile Damien agus Mícheál óg ina chónaí. Tháinig Gráinne chugainn i 2005 agus tá aon bhliain déag iontach, spreagúil caite aici mar mhúinteoir ranga den scoth. Thug sí a cuid Ghaoluinn iontach Chorca Dhuíbhne d’ár bpáistí leis an béim ar shaibhreas teanga agus í i gcónaí ag súil le hard-chaighdeán, rud a bhain na paistí faoina cúram amach le meangadh mór gáire ar a chuid aghaidheanna. I measc ár bhfoireann, ba anam na cóisire í i gcónaí agus ní bheifeá riamh i ndroch-foirm taréis casadh léi. Bhí sí dílis do agus thar a bheith bródúil as an gcaighdeán ard a bhaineamar ar fad amach. Guímid gach uile rath ar Ghráinne agus tá a fhios againn go bhfuil seod múinteora faighte ag lucht Chill Dara.
It is with a heavy heart that we said goodbye during the summer to Múinteoir Gráinne Ní Chinnéide after a wonderful eleven years as a class teacher in our school. Gráinne is heading north to our neighbours in Gaelscoil Átha Í in Athy where she, her husband Damien and young son Micheál have been living for the last few years. Gráinne brought us her wonderfully rich Gaeilge from the Corca Dhuibhne Gaeltacht and the children who were lucky enough to have been taught her learned a richness of language that they hardly noticed, such was Gráinne’s easy way of getting the best from them in every way. As a staff member, Gráinne was always the life and soul of the party and was unerringly proud of and positive about the high standards and great atmosphere our school has always had at its core. We will miss Gráinne and wish her the very best in the future. Gaelscoil Átha Í have gotten a gem who has left her mark in the marble city.
Guímid gach rath chomh maith ar Mhúinteoir Martina Delaney. Tá dhá bhliain caite ag Martina ag roinnt poist sa tacaíocht foghlama linn agus tá sí ag filleadh anois ar Scoil Shóisear Naomh Eoin. Bhí Martina i gcónaí cinneálta agus éifeactach mar mhúinteoir le cuid d’ár bpáistí go raibh spreagadh uathu agus chuir sí go mór lenár scoil i gcoitinne. Arís, guímid ádh mór uirthi amach anseo.
We also wish Múinteoir Martina Delaney the very best as she heads back to St. John’s Junior School, having been job sharing in our school for the past two years. Martina was a considerate and effective teacher for many of our children in the learning support position and added greatly to our school. We also wish her the very best in the future.
Bille Scoile
Tá bille scoile na bliana seo coimeádta againn díreach mar a bhí anuraidh. Iarraimid ort an bille a íoc chomh luath agus is féidir agus beidh tarrac againn arís d’aon tuismitheoir atá íoctha go hiomlán roimh deireadh mí Mheán Fomhair.
The school contribution for your child has been kept at the exact same level as last year. Please remember this amount covers essential costs in the school including 24-hour insurance for your child, inside and outside of school, the book rental scheme in the senior classes and the costs of the extra tuition in sports, yoga, dance and swimming which our parents have always valued. You can pay your contribution now by clicking on the ‘Pay Now’ tab at www.osrai.com and entering the email address you use to receive school emails. All children whose bill is fully paid by the end of October will enter a draw to receive a full refund of the bille.
Lón Sláintiúil-Buíochas don dtacaíocht
Táimid fíor-bhuíoch don bhfáilte atá curtha ag tuismitheoirí roimh na treoirlínte nua atá curtha amach againn faoin lón sláintiúil sa scoil. Mar is eol daoibh, is taréis plé fada i measc pobal uile na scoile a thánamar ar an bpolasaí seo mar chuid d’obair ár gcoiste Scoil ag Spreagadh Sláinte. Chuireamar suirbhé go gach tuismitheor anuraidh agus bhí tromlach agaibh i bhfábhar deireadh a chur le ‘treat na hAoine’ ar mhaithe le sláinte ár bpáistí chomh maith le cur i bhfeidhm níos láidre de na moltaí atá againn. Más maith leat a bheith páirteach san obair seo, tá fáilte i gcónaí roimh aon tuismitheoir gur mhaith leo a bheith ann. Tá an dréacht-pholasaí agus an liosta de na bia agus deochanna atáimid ag moladh ag an nasc seo.
We are very thankful for your support and welcome for our revised healthy lunch policy. This policy has been reviewed as part of a lengthy process of consultation with all the school community, particularly you as parents. The survey which the majority of families completed was overwhelmingly in favour of ending the ‘Friday treat’ and stronger enforcement of the clear rules we now have to encourage healthier eating in our school. The decision to implement a healthy eating policy was one taken by our parents in the first place and is a major part of our image as a health promoting school. Our committee has five parents on it and we actively welcome any others who would like to take part. This is viewed as a very positive contribution to our children’s health in a society trying to come to grips with the huge issues of childhood health. You can find the draft policy and list of the recommended and discouraged foods at this link on our website.
Club Obair Bhaile
Beidh an club obair bhaile ag tosú an luan seo chugainn, an 12 Meán Fomhair le Múinteoirí Tanya agus Méabh. Tá an club seo lán agus tá a fhios againn go bhfuil díomá ar roinnt daoine nach bhfuair áit. Tá seans go mbeidh áiteanna ar fáil i rith na bliana.
Beidh club obair bhaile an Clár um Chríochnú Scoile ag tosú ar an 19ú. Tar i dteangmháil linn má cheapann tú go bhfuil tú i dteideal an seirbhís seo a úsáid.
Múinteoir Tanya and Méabh will again provide an after school homework club service from Monday to Thursday for an hour after school. Places have now been allocated and while we know many of you did not get a place, vacancies may arise during the year.
The free club provided by the School Completion Programme will begin at the same times on Monday the 19th and if you think you are entitled to a place on the scheme, please let us know.
Camógaíocht-Cill Chainnigh Abú
Guímid gach rath ar imreoirí chamógaíochta an chontae ar an Domhnach seo, go háirithe Laura Ní Mhurchú ar phainéal sinsir agus Ciara Ní Fhaoláin ar phainéal idirmheánach atá beirt ina n-iarscoláirí na scoile. Tréaslaímid chomh maith le Sinéad Ní Chaoimh, Caoilfhionn Ní Argáin, Ailbhe de Gaillí, Saoirse Ní Chumascaigh, Aoibhe Ní Ghormáin agus Ciara Ní Dhubhshláine a bhuaigh craobh sinsir an chontae sa Pheil Ghaelach le Cathair Chill Chainnigh agus go neirí leo i gcraobh Laighin amárach.
We wish the Kilkenny camogie teams the very best in Sunday’s All Ireland finals, particularly past pupils Laura Ní Mhurchú on the senior panel and Ciara Ní Fhaoláin on the Intermediate panel. We also congratulate Sinéad Ní Chaoimh, Caoilfhionn Ní Argáin, Ailbhe de Gaillí, Saoirse Ní Chumascaigh, Aoibhe Ní Ghormáin agus Ciara Ní Dhubhshláine on their victory in the county ladies football senior final last week with Kilkenny City and commiserate with Bláthnaid de Gaillí on the defeated Thomastown team.
Comhbhrón le clann Caroline
Guímid comhbhrón le clann Caroline Sloane a bhfuair bás ag aois i bhfad ró-óg le déanaí. Bhí sí ag fulaingt le breoiteacht le tamaill ach is le crógacht gur throid sí chun deiridh. Bhí Caroline mar thuismitheoir ár scoilne lena hiníon Eli agus mac Ben linn anseo. D’oibrigh Caroline sa scoil chomh maith mar mhúinteoir ealaíne, uaireanta go hiomlán deonach. Beidh a rian go deo ar saol ár scoilne de bharr an lógó iontach a chruthaigh sí dúinn atá ar éide scoile gach páiste ó lár na hochtóidí ar aghaidh. Beidh Caroline go deo inár gcuimhne agus bheadh áthas an domhain uirthi gur thosaigh a céad garpháiste Noah linn cúpla lá taréis a bás. Beidh a hoidhreacht slán sábhálta ar feadh i bhfad eile.
We send our sincere sympathies to the Sloane family on the recent and untimely death of Caroline at far too young an age. Caroline had battled illness bravely. Caroline was a parent of our school with daughter Eli and son Ben but also worked as an art teacher, quite often giving generously of her time on a voluntary basis. She will remain at the heart of our school however as a result of designing our wonderful school crest which takes pride of place in halla na scoile and on the shirts and ‘geansaí’s’ of all our children. Caroline was delighted that her first grandchild Noah started in our school though unfortunately she just missed out on being there to accompany him. Go mbeidh leaba i measc na naoimh agat Caroline.
Ranganna Gaeilge
Beidh ranganna Gaeilge do thuismitheoirí ar siúl sa scoil ag tosú le hoíche chlárúcháin ar an Máirt an 20ú Meán Fomhair. Is €30 le haghaidh ocht seachtain an táille agus is Múinteoir Ivan arís atá chun na ranganna a rith. Beidh fáilte roimh tosaitheoirí agus feabhsathóirí.
If you want to get your Gaeilge back up and running, Múinteoir Ivan will be teaching classes for parents in the school this term, starting with registration on 7 pm on Tuesday the 20th September. The cost is just €30 for eight weeks and beginners and improvers are welcome.
Playball ar ais
The Playball company begin again on Thursday 22nd Sept. The cost is €65 for ten weeks of this after-school sports service. You can get more information at www.playballsoutheast.ie
Leath chraobh Roinn A sa pheil/County Football semi-final
Title: Leath chraobh Roinn A sa pheil/County Football semi-final
Litir faoi oíche mhór 30 Bliain. Invite to 30th anniversary celebrations.
A thuismitheoir, a chara,
Mar thuismitheoir na Gaelscoile, ba bhreá linn go mbeifeá linn ar an Satharn an 28ú Samhain 2015 don ócáid mhór deireanach de cheiliúradh 30 bliain na scoile. Is in Óstán Chill Chainnigh a bheidh an ghabhar á róstadh an oíche sin, ag tosú le fáiltiú deochanna ag 7.00 pm. I ndiaidh sin beidh béile álainn trí chúrsa agus ansin ar aghaidh linn leis an rince le banna iontach DFunk, le baill an Camembert Quartet ann agus dioscó na seachtóidí agus ochtóidí ina dhiaidh. Tá €35 ar na ticéidí agus is seans iontach é chun bord cairde a eagrú le na daoine atá bainte le rang do pháiste nó le tuismitheoirí go bhfuil tú cáirdiúil leo. Tá an oíche urraithe go flaithiúlach ag Glanbia agus is an-luach airgid atá ann. Is féidir ticéidí a fháil ó oifig na scoile nó iad a cheannach ar-líne trí shuíomh idirlíon na scoile www.osrai.com
As a parent of Gaelscoil Osraí, we would love you to join us on November 28th in Hotel Kilkenny for our final celebration of the 30th anniversary of the school. As you may know, we’ve had a fantastic year with the completion of our state of the art extension and new school library and the recent fantastic news that we have received grant aid for a new, all-weather sports pitch on our grounds.
We will have a great 70’s and 80’s themed night to celebrate all our achievements and to give all the people who have benefited from the school (well over 2,000 past pupils now!) the chance to mark the occasion. The event will start at 7.00 pm with a drinks reception, followed by a great three-course meal and then dancing into the small hours with Dublin-based band DFunk, including members of the Camembert Quartet, followed by a 70’s and 80’s themed DJ. At €35 and generously sponsored by Glanbia, this will be a great value night and a chance to catch up with friends. Our staff and other groups are using the night as their Christmas party and you can book a table for this purpose too. Tickets are available through the school office now or online through the school website at www.osrai.com. We also ask you to share the event from our school Facebook and Twitter accounts @gaelscoilosrai
Ag súil le sibh a fheiscint ar an 28ú
Scéal Tuismitheora/Parents News
Tá an scéal seo ar leathanach na dTuismitheoirí. Check out news and updates for parents on our Parent’s page.
Bí Páirteach/Join in the work!
Míle buíochas do gach éinne a d’fhreastal ar chruinniú na dtuismitheoiri ar an Luan. Bhí breis is daichead tuismitheoir i láthair agus bhí caint an-spreagúil againn ó Sharon Hayden ó Chomhairle Náisiúnta na dTuismitheoirí. Bhí na-chuid smaointe faoi obair an choiste i mbliana. Tá roinnt agaibh taréis ofráil cheana féin chun a bheith páirteach in obair an choiste. Más maith leat a bheith mar ionadaí ranga, cur ephoist g’ Eimear Lee, ár gcathaoirleach, ag tuisti@osrai.com
Thanks a lot to everybody who attended our parents information meeting on Monday night. Over forty parents attended and heard a very iinteresting presentation on the role of the PA from Sharon Hayden of the National Parents Council. Some great ideas were presented on the activities that could be undertaken this year. Some of you have already volunteered to get involved in the association’s work but you can email our Chairperson Eimear at tuisti@osrai.com to offer your services as a class rep or in any other way you think you can help out.
Do thuairim ag teastáil/Your opinion needed on new subject!
Tá an NCCA ag lorg do thuairim ar mholadh nua don gcaraclam. Léigh faoi anseo agus seol do thuairimí ar aghaidh.
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment is looking for your views on a new ‘Religions, Beliefs and Ethics’ section of the curriculum. Please visit the site here and let them know what you think. You can also read about it in today’s Irish Times.